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Jedi sentinel combat rotation


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So i am at level 29 Jedi and meet a lvl 22 of the opposite faction, when he killed me it made me aware that my rotation is weak, same thing happened in pvp when i meet someone one-on-one and the other person was lower level then me and i still lost.


I come here hoping to get help in finding a decent rotation for my level, thank you for your time.

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Zeckes head over to my Combat Sentinel guide and read through it. I have all that information there already. Things to note however.


- This Guide is written for level 60's

- You will not have Blade Rush so use Slash instead

- You will not have Clashing Blast so use Blade Storm instead

- You will not have some of the other abilities but line up the ones you do have in the way i have it in my guide and following the priorities in line with the abilities you do have and you should do much better.

- Although you are not yet level 60 i would suggest watching the video attached at the end of my guide anyway so you have a better understanding of what you'll be looking for in your character as you gain levels.


Here is the link to my Guide, hope it helps you.


Edited by Bahadori
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