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Now u finally killed Groupfinder


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1. No need to grind basics ! What for ?

2. Elite comms are mostly crappy. Crafted 186 is better for mods and enhancements.

3. Play HM FP´s for crappy few Ultis a week ? Lol !

4. Not everyone plays Ops "ALL THE TIME"

5. or "CAN" play ops all the time because of lags, underpopulated servers, smaller and smaller guilds, less motivation and "fear of running into exploits" (^^)

6. Do you really think, to force group-content, its good to force people into things they simply cant afford anymore ?

7. Why play Groupfinder ?


The whole evening im gearing Comps now, instead of doing content or trying to progress.

My Guildmates even dont come on anymore !


Nicely done (sarcasm doesnt help, i know, but)

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Well, if you do 16 man via the GF for ravagers or tos there are a couple more surprises.


They still have the same loot table as 8 man, so to earn ultimate commendations in the new ops you have to lower your chances on getting proper 192 gear.


Also boss 3 in ravagers is a bit much for pugs I think so that's not gonna happen and tos...well boss 3 is even more bugged than last week it seems.


I've heard some people still manage but they have to jump through a whole set of anti-bug hoops to do it and we thought we did those as well but it still went wrong with adds coming to soon or more of them or the crosses still going red even without using speed skills etc.


There are not enough ops to do ops all the time.


I am actually ok with what they did with removing ultimate comms from lower content but there isn't enough level 60 content to make up for it. That's the problem I have. This is because the little new endgame there is is just 2 ops and they don't even work properly.

Edited by Tsillah
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I really don't understand what we're supposed to do on a daily basis now.


As far as pve endgame is concerned....I don't get it either. Two ops a week if you're lucky and don't bug out in ToS until you are geared enough to do the same 2 in HM? Wow...that's pretty poor. I hope there is more coming soon.

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Well, if you do 16 man via the GF for ravagers or tos there are a couple more surprises.


They still have the same loot table as 8 man, so to earn ultimate commendations in the new ops you have to lower your chances on getting proper 192 gear.


Also boss 3 in ravagers is a bit much for pugs I think so that's not gonna happen and tos...well boss 3 is even more bugged than last week it seems.


I've heard some people still manage but they have to jump through a whole set of anti-bug hoops to do it and we thought we did those as well but it still went wrong with adds coming to soon or more of them or the crosses still going red even without using speed skills etc.


There are not enough ops to do ops all the time.


I am actually ok with what they did with removing ultimate comms from lower content but there isn't enough level 60 content to make up for it. That's the problem I have. This is because the little new endgame there is is just 2 ops and they don't even work properly.


U know: what you are stating is a solution that "cures some wounds but doesnt solve the problem. BW simply is leaving the path totally, giving people reasons to play that dont play ops that often. Why ever. Maybe some because of smaller guilds, maybe some because they dont like bigger Ops, maybe they have lags and fps issues, maybe because the cant find people anymore to play with and hate pugging, maybe bla bla, and maybe just because they hate Ops that take soo much time and would like to play hard content with adequate reward in smaller "time windows" because of job or anything else.


I mean: is it really turning now into an "only Ops game" for PVE people ?

And plz dont bring the argument of "if u dont play ops u dont need the gear" ! ;-)

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4. Not everyone plays Ops "ALL THE TIME"

7. Why play Groupfinder ?

My Guildmates even dont come on anymore !

Nicely done (sarcasm doesnt help, i know, but)

welcome back to swtor 1.x,

there was no GF,

players drop from 2mil to xxx,

ops was dead last nite,

no 1 lfm , even batter, no 1 lfg,

time for u to unsub.

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welcome back to swtor 1.x,

there was no GF,

players drop from 2mil to xxx,

ops was dead last nite,

no 1 lfm , even batter, no 1 lfg,

time for u to unsub.


It's a good time for endgame players to unsub. There might be a reason to comeback when and if they release more Ops later this year (and hopefully fix the garbage we have now). I have 3 days left on my sub and am gonna take the time to play other games for a bit.

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It's a good time for endgame players to unsub. There might be a reason to comeback when and if they release more Ops later this year (and hopefully fix the garbage we have now). I have 3 days left on my sub and am gonna take the time to play other games for a bit.


Maybe yes. But im normally too loyal for that. When i leave a game its mostly forever !

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I mean: is it really turning now into an "only Ops game" for PVE people ?

That seems to be how it's going.

There's one thing that's annoying me about the loot drops, it's the disappearance of MK-2s. It used to be that by running HM FPs and SM ops, you would get non-set bonus pieces of gear that were better optimized than the comms gear (MK-1s), but now there's just MK-1s everywhere. The FP/ops drops are just a shortcut to getting faster comms gear, which in itself is not really desirable, so there's really not much incentive to grind for any type of comms. Maybe try to get those 140 ultis for your offhand asap and then it's just ops for tokens.

That and HM FPs seem like a waste of time for how long and hard they can be versus how little they offer.


It's a radical change from how things were in 2.10. It was pretty stupid how the game was handing out ultimate comms for farming trivial content, buying gear 4 tiers above its recommended requirement. But it got people playing, and even at the level cap, most players don't really want too much of a challenge.


Also free companion gear means even less reason to spend comms, so again, no motivation to farm them.

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so you start this game you play hard to level it up to level 60 join a few guilds along the enjoying the game hit level 60 at end game content got 2 operation that are bugged from time to time, hm 60 fp bs for time and effort and get little reward but it ok we got another useless cartel patch so it dont matter that you have people unsubing as long as bw sell few cartel patches it even the numbers out that they still makes some money. people talk that people should get 198 gear for low end ops the 198 gear is really bs you got 186 gears that you craft that is better that it. so they force people into doing 2 ops a week the dayiles are so dull the lag on new planet is so bad at times. so it really is end game where people just unsub becuase why do opeations if bugged or laggy at time when you just do the normil as f2p and not worry about issues with operations now, i glad now i only got 26 days left until i f2p, from want i seen the expanion was totaly waste of $19 but i know for future if see game created by bw to avoid it in future.
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Or they could be ..... Idk... Wanting you to do the current content to get the current gear. Ik crazy idea :rolleyes:


Explain plz ;-) !

Im talking about "current content" being much more irrelevant. Beside of ops. So whats the point of your statement ?

(sry, no offense, i simply dont understand what youre trying to say)

Edited by heizluefta
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It is just boring to do the same FP now. Maybe if you are a brand new player theres motivation but not for me i'm here since Apr. 2012. I was just here for the operations and now it is almost impossible to get ultimate comms.


Also GF is dead so i'm not alone.

Edited by psikofunkster
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What i would like to see from Devs:


1. Devs queuing in GF for Ops and go out with rewards !

2. Do the shields in Assault on Tython in Pugmatch

3. Get Ultimate Comm Cap without a big raiding group

4. Decide what gear to go for with elite comms (answer = none)

5. How to perform in ops with casual/ops-players while only sitting and programming/reading data and never touching the "real world" in SWTOR !^^

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Or they could be ..... Idk... Wanting you to do the current content to get the current gear. Ik crazy idea :rolleyes:


Sure, except the current content isn't enough, if that is all that is on offer, then time to leave...


The two new ops are a mess, the lag is still here, the drops aren't that great, and they get old quickly only have two ops to do and nothing else...


If some of the 50 HM FP had been raised to 60, some of the 50 ops been raised to 60, then fair enough... as it stands, if the new SoR content is the only things to do, then... well, I'm done with it. :)

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Im really interested in:

1. "Is there "now" forming some kind of Defense against what BW is doing ?"


2. Or will it just go away like some pain in your left shoulder ?


3. Or will that never be obvious because the numbers are only at Bioware ? What they tell us, i think, is like "we think we do best" ! And i think thats a plain cruel lie !


4. Btw, why did they adjust the comm level downwards ? If u do the math u can easily come to the conclusion that we all are massively slowed down in progression. The only players that might like that are "the hardcore ops players" !

But why only adjust a game on "THEM" ?


5. The Exploit thing is a really good indicator i think.

To be honest:

a) they were not able to (what i dont think) ---

b) they didnt want to---

---fix this exploit asap !

Why ?

They had all the time and several bugreports. Now we have discussions in several threads with over hundrets of pages...., and ?

Now the people are going to be punished for an exploit they knew of ? That has (maybe several hundred times) been reported ? Dont get me wrong: im really "against" any kind of cheating. But what i have to state is:

MMo´s make it easy sometimes by doing the crappy mistakes, then blaming several ppl for it, then doing the same again, and so on !

And "you" (i mean the nice ppl) are supporting that !

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BioWare introduced higher Ultimate Commendation rewards to revive group-finder not that many months ago. [Please correct me if I remember this wrong]

Now they have killed both PUG and group-finder runs overnight, from what I seen I would say by about 90%. [Only my personal guess]


Really sad about all this:

- they simply did the math on how long it takes to gear a character to 198 with ultimate commendations

- realized that most players will be geared and have nothing to do way sooner then they would have any new content to offer

- did the math of dividing up the number of ultimate commendations needed for gearing with the months they think would take them to have anything new to offer and used this new number as indication of how many ultimate commendations you should be allowed to get

- got rid of almost all viable ways to earn ultimate commendations and now sitting back watching the numbers change


Do you remember the outrage at the introduction of 150 ultimate commendation weekly cap? Anyone worried about wasting commendations now? :D

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I asked during last week's stream about the comm gear by pointing out that during 2.x, you could buy 10 gloves (or whatever) with comms and rip out unlettered mods, but now literally all the mods are high endurance, rendering the comms worthless. They said they were probably going to re-itemize it to make comms have some value again, and I was actually hoping they would do it with this patch, but I see that they didn't. I still have a lot of the 180 mods on my PVE toons as it seems there's no way to even RE the unlettered 36 mod schematic unless you get really lucky and have an unlettered mod drop from an OW mob. LOL.


At launch you could actually get set bonuses with comms gear, which allowed even people who couldn't commit to a raid schedule (like me atm) to get set bonuses through group PVE. Now with the only way to get set bonus bugged to hell and chances of finding a pug run during my scarce time off very low, I'm considering farming multiple sets of the 174 PVP gear for set bonuses for the toons I leveled during 12x XP.


That's just broken. I do PVP, but I want my PVP comms to go towards PVP advancement, not farming multiple copies of set bonuses for PVE toons.


It'd be nice if Bioware would allow set bonuses from comms gear again, at least as a temporary measure until they can fix the ops and restore the vibrancy of pugs/groupfinder that existed in the months prior to 3.0. I understand that elitists don't want casuals running around with BIS gear every slot, but all I desire is really the 192 set bonus and slow availability of unlettered mods via appropriate group content comms grinding. The present bugs in ops are presenting enough issues for dedicated raid groups, let alone the formation of pugs (LOL 16m halving your chances at a token drop), recently closed exploits notwithstanding (obviously, I didn't partake).


Allowing set bonuses from comms, temporarily or otherwise, could also be an opportunity for Bioware to narrow the gap between those who farmed exploited gear, and those who did not partake.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Thats also a big topic i think. Although i (personally) atm am not having any motivation playing pvp in that game, i though really understand the pvp community because im coming from another heavy pvp game.

And thats a good point i think:


1. PVP stats and balancing can be different from pve

2. PVE stats and balancing can be different from pvp

3. if both dont match anywhere or have any kind of "same underground", can u then (Bioware) say "its balanced" ?

Or we know what our classes need ?

ATM i think thats a big joke !

4. How to balance PVE/PVP: hmm, first action (if i was a dev) would be to play both, with pvp and pve guilds, and then decide what to do !

If u dont do that...........

.......its like a butcher selling a car ! I dont trust in that !

Edited by heizluefta
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