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Why the complete silence concerning the Balmorra mission "Big Guns"?


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At the moment the only way to complete the entire Balmorra planetary missions is to get lucky and change to a different planetary instance, that is, a new map IF one is present and IF the generators haven't been blown yet.


Once again I guess we need to let you, the developers know, if we can't complete Big Guns ..... It puts a full stop to the entire planetary mission line.


No, we're not speaking of just one out-of-the-way side mission, we're talking about the whole planetary mission line.


This isn't a graphic error on some piece of armor, not a goofed up animation, not a spelling error, the kinds of bugs you readily post about. No, this is all of Balmorra.


So guys ... why the complete silence? Why won't you say anything about this? Why not give us at the very least a post saying you are aware and are working on it, even is there is no ETA?


I honestly cannot think of a single valid reason you won't respond to this well documented and very bad bug.

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