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Smuggler Trench Coat and Hat


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I am still hoping to see the trench coat and hat that the smuggler in the Korriban cinematic used. I am tired of seeing the Cowboy hats have a head wrap around instead of it just being a typical hat. Plus the trench coat was flowing and the undershirt matched it. Unlike the others.
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Our hair disappears to prevent clipping as they don't seem to,have models for under helmet hair. If you bring up NPC's like the Kuat Drive Yards imperial lady, she has a predetermind, unchanging model, so she gets hair. Basically, with hats we are either bald or have a head wrap.


This is especially noticable with hoods, pan your camera around when you are wearing something with a hood and no helmet, you will see you are bald under the hood. This is especially cheap when its a wide open hood like the temple guardsman so you see the baldness in all its ugly nastiness from any direct view angle.

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This is especially noticable with hoods, pan your camera around when you are wearing something with a hood and no helmet, you will see you are bald under the hood. This is especially cheap when its a wide open hood like the temple guardsman so you see the baldness in all its ugly nastiness from any direct view angle.


Luckily my Cathar is already nearly bald (she has those... plaits?) so it doesn't make much difference for me with the Temple Guardian hood. Other characters though who have proper hair... yeah, it's terrible.

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