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Why does everyone keep asking for DT/CT.


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Most of what you're really saying then is survivability is the main issue. I agree, survivability is the key issue to me, which is why I listed it first. Once that gets fixed then mobility get's more important. Even with Egress, HO, and Through Power/Consuming Rage etc... uptime isn't 100%. In fact, leg slash shares all those same problems with Crippling Throw. It's just inferior to Crippling Throw in every way other than it's spammable if you have the focus.



TLDR: fix survivability first and then Crippling Throw > Leg Slash.


Yes, but then then the question becomes, If they increase survivability will there still be an mobility issue. Personally I don't have a problem with sticking to people too much as long as I spam Transcendence problem is I am never alive long enough to do it more then a few times.and with the reduced damage it really has little to no effect.

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Slows are not a problem for marauder. Annihilation has two roots (charge, second low slash), three slows (rend, charge, low slash) and a ranged stun (choke).



slows arent a problem to apply? ye kinda but they aqre a problem like you said on them selfs, they need a counter for that
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But that's the thing, Crippling Throw would not work on anyone that it was used on before since most of those classes have received the buffs you spoke about. Egress was only usable by Tanks for Inquisitor/Consular the rest of the Specs for that class did not have access to Egress before and Trooper/BH classes have HtL/HO so there is really no stopping either of those classes. GS/Scoundrel kill us before we can do anything. Guardians don't run since they have DCDs to kick our asses. The only people CT/DT will work on is us.


You do not PvP in isolation. Being smart about when to use crippling throw is what matters, it gives us the ability to root ppl at range. Currently if I get slowed and my opponent gets out of 4m range I cannot do anything to stop them from getting away unless leap/stun is off cd.... also putting our trauma debuff back on 10m range makes it much more versatile.

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You do not PvP in isolation. Being smart about when to use crippling throw is what matters, it gives us the ability to root ppl at range. Currently if I get slowed and my opponent gets out of 4m range I cannot do anything to stop them from getting away unless leap/stun is off cd.... also putting our trauma debuff back on 10m range makes it much more versatile.


re read my first post then read yours again my whole point is extending our root would make little difference since the people that we used it on before are, mostly immune to some thing like that anyways. That is what makes Just Pursuit so terrible. Unless you blow two GCDs because if you try to apply it over time then you get the shaft due to having to apply leg slash 3-4 times. Even making leg slash apply a root really would do almost nothing for us since every one has a root break not to mention there is enough CC in this game to start with they should have never given us a ****** root replacement they should have given us more mobility.

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I agree that sentinels aren't in the best place right now but you can't go accusing pts testers about killing the class, they can't even say anything in defense due to nda. They are not allowed to reveal anything that went down on there so you DONT KNOW. lol



Hey, someone talking some sense! Pvpers were not even invited to the pts, but regardless, it's apparent that bioware does not know who to listen to when it comes to making class balance changes.

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re read my first post then read yours again my whole point is extending our root would make little difference since the people that we used it on before are, mostly immune to some thing like that anyways. That is what makes Just Pursuit so terrible. Unless you blow two GCDs because if you try to apply it over time then you get the shaft due to having to apply leg slash 3-4 times. Even making leg slash apply a root really would do almost nothing for us since every one has a root break not to mention there is enough CC in this game to start with they should have never given us a ****** root replacement they should have given us more mobility.


L2 watch peoples buff bar/CDs..... No class has 100% uptime on root immunity. Not even the sins with their fantastic DCD and cc immunities. With a ranged root and specifically a ranged trauma debuff, it gives you choices/situations where you can keep someone from getting away from you once you get slowed, or rooting them after HO/Speed wears off allowing you to reclose and keep dpsing. It has a multitude of uses over leg slash and the horrid double GCD root we currently have to waste a utility to get.

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I get that, and I am not blaming the testers either, but people screwed up somewhere and that needs to be noted and remembered. If the statement was made out of ignorance then factor that in and move on.

Blaming people does not fix any problems. Fixing the problems fixes problems.


Do you want DT/CT back? If so why? Since the current meta would make it almost useless.

Bull. Kind of shows that you have not played a marauder seriously.


As others said before, the purpose of the deadly throw was closing the gap. Even if they have a immob breaker, marauder may get in actual melee range during that second or two to use his/her other abilities such as the immob on ravage.


Secondly deadly throw had FAR shorter cooldown than any of the rootbreakers or force charge. It was there to be spammed, essentially.


Slows on the other hand, ARE FRIKKIN USELESS


edit: If that bantha dung about "reason of deadly throw removal was because juggs dont get three saber throws", then either give them a third one (I dont care) or put that immob in dual saber throw and stick that slow WHERE THE SUNS DON'T SHINE.

Edited by Karkais
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Blaming people does not fix any problems. Fixing the problems fixes problems.



Bull. Kind of shows that you have not played a marauder seriously.


As others said before, the purpose of the deadly throw was closing the gap. Even if they have a immob breaker, marauder may get in actual melee range during that second or two to use his/her other abilities such as the immob on ravage.


Secondly deadly throw had FAR shorter cooldown than any of the rootbreakers or force charge. It was there to be spammed, essentially.


Slows on the other hand, ARE FRIKKIN USELESS


edit: If that bantha dung about "reason of deadly throw removal was because juggs dont get three saber throws", then either give them a third one (I dont care) or put that immob in dual saber throw and stick that slow WHERE THE SUNS DON'T SHINE.


Yeah, and it was great at allowing a few seconds to close the gap. Honestly, if we had it back now, it would be even stronger since both Carnage and Fury's high-hitters are 10m, and gore can be used with no target (not counting furious strike, of course, but).


Like, even now, if I'm being kited in carnage, if I even get close to the guy I'm going after, in like 3 seconds, I'm able to bring him down ~30%-50% of his HP, the burst you can get from dev blast + vicious throw is quite nasty.


So if we had deadly throw back, it would actually be even better than pre 3.0 because even if they break it, we still have a chance to hit them with something before they run out of range.

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Bah I've trying to follow the logic of this thread but I don't see a good argument anywhere for bringing back the root on deadly throw. If you recall, that was a carnage only thing, and it didn't even work that well pre 3.0. It would make even less sense now.


Most of the time when you want to root someone is because they already popped a movement-purge DCD anyway, and BioWare will never give us a root that overrides a ranged class'es immunity.


If you've been paying attention, you already know you've got plenty of other snares and gap closers anyway. DST is already a 50% move snare; you should be using that frequently in pvp. You can talent into 50% snares on DB and Force Charge, and talent Crippling Slash to a full root if you want, but if a ranged class pops that DCD they're going to evade you NO MATTER WHAT.


Additionally, Ataru grants a 20% passive move speed increase, and there is also always the option of burning a Predation if you really want to run fast.


Most importantly, we have new and improved Force Choke: it can be cast on the run and at 10m range, is a nice 4 sec root, does damge and builds rage> This argument was Dead on Arrival.


All of that said, I would really like deadly throw back, but I would like it in the form of a bleed with trauma, no silly root. Carnage needs a bleed again, and deadly throw is a perfect candidate.

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Bah I've trying to follow the logic of this thread but I don't see a good argument anywhere for bringing back the root on deadly throw. If you recall, that was a carnage only thing, and it didn't even work that well pre 3.0. It would make even less sense now.


Most of the time when you want to root someone is because they already popped a movement-purge DCD anyway, and BioWare will never give us a root that overrides a ranged class'es immunity.


If you've been paying attention, you already know you've got plenty of other snares and gap closers anyway. DST is already a 50% move snare; you should be using that frequently in pvp. You can talent into 50% snares on DB and Force Charge, and talent Crippling Slash to a full root if you want, but if a ranged class pops that DCD they're going to evade you NO MATTER WHAT.


Additionally, Ataru grants a 20% passive move speed increase, and there is also always the option of burning a Predation if you really want to run fast.


Most importantly, we have new and improved Force Choke: it can be cast on the run and at 10m range, is a nice 4 sec root, does damge and builds rage> This argument was Dead on Arrival.


All of that said, I would really like deadly throw back, but I would like it in the form of a bleed with trauma, no silly root. Carnage needs a bleed again, and deadly throw is a perfect candidate.

It was an amazing tool, granted lots of people have root breakers especially now but if you time it right...

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It was an amazing tool, granted lots of people have root breakers especially now but if you time it right...


Compared to the way Force Choke works now? ... Really?


"WAS" Might be the operative word in that statement too...

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Well it had a lot lower cd than force choke...


Yea but it didn't do all the awesome things Force Choke does now. Plus you gotta take that utility into PvP> 45 sec Cd, 42ish with some alacrity, is not that bad considering what you get to do them next :D


Anyway, I just don't see it being that viable in today's game. Remember we lost Rupture too, I would rather have some kind of bleed back. A bleeding throw would be killer, but that's all I got on this...


*EDIT - Sorry I said I was done but, Gore being free-targeted is the other part of this. I can already Gore>DB>VT inside 10m, so if I'm within that range I'm deadly as it is. There is no way I'd go back to the old days when you had to be on top of them to Gore. That's the trade.

Edited by Scarab_
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