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<SOVEREIGNTY> is an 18+up guild focused on Ops, PvP, Conquest, and RP; open to all classes. We are a quickly expanding crew with Teamspeak and a fully operational website. We're an Imperial faction guild, but we are not aligned with a faction when it comes to roleplay. We are a Star Wars version of Firefly; with all of us being members of a crew while maintaining our own personalities and stories at the same time.




The Sovereignty is a Mere-class Cruiser salvaged from a derelict orbit around Rishi. Seemingly abandoned, Krixus Marius – a Darth with dwindling faith in the war – saw an opportunity to command a much larger vessel; with his faithful crew, they struck out in search of their own private sanctuary from the endless tirades of both the Empire and Republic. Christening the vessel Sovereignty, they travelled the galaxy in search of a quiet corner to call home. What they found though, were the lost souls and faces left in wanting from war torn planets, much as they found themselves before. Sovereignty and her crew started taking passengers –refugees initially- to destination planets in hopes of starting a new life elsewhere. Gradually they agreed to take passengers on as crew members, when arrival destinations were not as they had been made out to appear. Sovereignty’s crew quickly grew, and while they continue to take on passengers, their search for serenity; for liberty, continues..


Guild website for application: http://www.the-sovereignty.enjin.com

Edited by ReidFI
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