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Survivability and DCDs


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First off let me say I feel these changes need to be incorporated from what I have seen in PvP. I do not participate in PvE have no desire to do so. Feel free to contribute your thoughts and opinions and let me know if you agree at all with anything I said below.


Damage output overall is adequate and I don't think you will find a skillful marauder or sentinel complain that we need our damage output increased. The issue we are having is staying alive without a strong healer to carry you; our current state of defensive cool downs are a joke.


Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage: This is the most ineffective defensive cool down in the game right now and needs to be reverted back to its original "When the ability is activated, you lose half your current HP." This will allow well-timed heals to keep you alive long enough to be viable in a WZ. In its current state Guarded by the Force/Undying Rage will only allow you to survive another 4-6 seconds before being shut down at the end of its duration. 99% of “good players” are smart enough to CC you whenever you use the ability and will just kill you once it has timed out rendering it useless. That is of course assuming you were not stunned and able to activate it. This ability not only needs a revert, but it needs to be accessible when CCed.


Saber ward: My only complaint is its cool down time. Three minutes is excessive for what little it does for you. I feel 1.5 minutes would be more appropriate. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I do not think any other class has a defensive cool down that is at three minutes.


Transcendence: A fantastic ability that needs to be spammed on cool down to allow a melee DPS to keep up with range players and kiters. However, forcing a marauder or sentinel to use their stacks of fury/centering to use this ability is detrimental to our DPS. Like I stated before, DPS output is good enough to 1v1 most classes (assuming all the defensive cool downs are available and the player controlling the sentinel or marauder is skilled) but requiring us to spend our 30 stacks to use Transcendence will kill DPS output by a large percentage. This ability needs to either have a regular cool down or needs to be activated in another way.


Force Camouflage: This ability needs to work more like blackout/resilience (Resist all force and tech attacks for its duration and having it break roots/CCs). For what it is now, it’s a wonderful tool to use when trying to take pressure off of yourself. Most DPS players will lose interest in the amount of time it takes for you to pop back up and will move onto the next person.

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Sents are in a bad spot as far as pvp is concerned, no doubt about that. Just to clarify, troopers have a defensive cooldown that has a 3 minutes long cd: Adrenaline Rush. It's not a standard defensive cd as it doesn't reduce dmg taken (unless in the assault specialist tree for the vanguard). But vanguards aren't really lacking defensive cds as much as sents so that's not a huge issue.


Anyway, getting back to sents, I do believe they need either better defensive cds or some better roots/root breaks. I wrote a lot about how sents/maras lack the skills and abilities needed to escape ccs like sins or sorcs can. They also have few roots/snares based on the way the utility talents are set up. I'm thankful that you posted this though, I wasn't able to cover the issue we have with our "meh" defensives. Hopefully the devs will realize we need something, unfortunately there are so many bugs and "more important" issues between the ravagers exploit, sin's OP dps, and pyro pts/assualt specialist vanguards.


oh, and here's the forum post I wrote if you're looking for it : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7935047#post7935047

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