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Is there a basic Level Guide for a Commando? Rotation, Skills one should be using?


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I'm starting Fresh as a Republic Commando. I'm now level 11 and had a really good time doing the story so far and want to continue this class as my main. I went for Commando as I was not a fond of Melee as much and I also went with Gunnery Spec as it seems to be the more easier Build for leveling and less complex rotations but also better burst for shorter fights from what I read.



So I'm trying to learn just the basics. Rotation, What skills, what levels, etc. I get too many skills and I'm assuming I need to dump some but it gets pretty confusing and most the guides I can find are very out of date or mostly meant for end game Characters.



Once it comes to Companions what would you also recommend? I was hoping to use Elara Dorne though I hear she is a healer. Not sure if a healer is useful I feel since we mitigate more damage that healers even slow might be more useful then some classes. But not quite sure love to hear what you think on this.



Also any tips on Credit Making. I decided Slicing, Salvaging and the Bioanalysis. It seem that Gathering ones might be the way to go and sell the mats on the Trade Network. But if you know a better way even farming lower levels or higher levels please let me know. I enjoy grinding a lot!



Thank you again and any other tips or advice you can give me then I'm more then willing to learn and ask questions about it. I really eager to learn every moment I have even when I'm not playing I spend all my time googling stuff ;)

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It sounds like you got what you were looking for so I won't expand on it. Instead I'll give you a few pointers.


Gunnery can be quite fun in PVE. Mine chews through it like you wouldn't believe. PVP can be a problem though. You also pointed out that you were aware of one of hte biggest issues this class faces ... lack of up to date guides. Pretty much everything out there is from 2.10 or older. This forum also tends not to be useful. The focus here is on Mercs. Commandos, especially Gunnery, tend to be in short supply.


As for your skills, you pretty much need them all. What you don't use in PVE you will use in PVP.


Boltstorm you will get near the end of your leveling and it is a beast. It will bcome your bread and butter. All your rotations will resolve around iactivating it. Boltstorm will actually replace Full Auto. They are both activated the same way, are on the same cooldown, and Boltstorm does more damage. So no need to keep a skill on your toolbar you will never use again once Boltstorm has been aquired.


If space on your toolbars is an issue, you will get to the point where you can consider removing reload and Reserve Cell. This might sound crazy, but I never have a problem with energy levels. Unless I spam heals my energy bar is sell managing. It is one of the true strengths of this class. I'm never out of energy regardless of how often I go through my skill rotation. The down time between fights for this class eventually goes to nill.

Edited by ForceWelder
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For crew skills, I would stick with resource gathering and slicing. The crafting skill lines can be quite expensive to level and to be honest other than supplying your own toons, you probably won't see much benefit from. There are player crafted items that people do buy such as augment kits, crystals, and augments, but you will dump a whole lot of credits into these skills before you will see any pay off from them. The demand on the market for low level items just doesn't seem to be there.


Slicing is a good skill to have regardless. On Rishi, the average slice box will give you about 3k credits. Also, if you send crew members on missions to raise the skill, you have about 60% chance to either break even or actually make more money than what the mission costs. So regardless the expense to leveling slicing is minor and the pay off at the end can be huge.


Other mission directed skills like Diplomacy, can get you blue or purple items you need for crafting or crew member reputation items, but again, if the goal is to make money, you will be putting more into it than you will likely ever get back as the only way to level these types of skills is by running missions which cost money to do.


As for which resource gathering skills to focus on, it probably doesn't matter. I do well with Bioanalysis, but these resources are used to make consumables which likely has a higher demand for. But again, as you level this skill, you probably won't find much demand for the lower level resources. But at the same time the cost for leveling is minor.

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