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More Solo'able content.


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I would love to see more solo'able content for elite marks. Basic Comm's can only go so far and Hardmode's have been kinda off since Makeb. I would love to see a weekly or something that doesn't revolve around flashpoints for elite comm's.
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I would love to see more solo'able content for elite marks. Basic Comm's can only go so far and Hardmode's have been kinda off since Makeb. I would love to see a weekly or something that doesn't revolve around flashpoints for elite comm's.


1) Why are you playing a MMORPG if you only want to solo?

2) I can collect 38 elite coms a week SOLO per character as is (thats 266 ELITE coms a week spread over 7 characters) soloing Makeb weekly (15), Oricon weekly (15), and Yavin (8) completely solo with out a hint of help.


Add in some Group finder storymode flashpoints (which are ultra easy and require very short term grouping) and that sky rockets huge daily and weekly.


3) Why are you playing a MMORPG if you only want to solo. (seriously I dont get it, single player wise there is far far far better RPG products on the market to play then SW:TOR (single player wise). Go play Deus Ex Human Revolution if you love story, Dragon Age Inquisition, The Witcher 3 next month, or even return to tried and true favorites like Fall Out: New Vegas and Fall Out 3, Skyrim Legendary edition (I got mine for under $20.00), Mass Effect trilogy, Dragon Age Origins, KotOR 1 and 2, and so so so so many more cheap (most older games between $5-$10 dollars max on Steam during sales).


4) This game needs more multiplayer content (though honestly I think they should focus on 2 man group content rather then 4 or ops content), not more solo content. 95% of game is soloable

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I think part of the problem all the "Why are you playing a mmo if you only want to solo" people are forgetting that for some, they just want to be playing a Star Wars game with a story they are interested in.


You can only play Kotor 1&2 so many times, swtor is for the most part kotor 3,4,5,6,7,9, & 10. (If you count each clasd story as a standalone kotor)


They want the entire story, but without the added hassle of having to be stuck with others who will:


Rush rush rush through the quest, ************ and moaning if they want to watch cut scenes or do bonus bosses, or look around.


Extra special is being orced to endure Turrets Syndrome sufferring ADHD Call of Duty kiddies who fill group chat with lolspeak and or tragically misspelled profanity.


Having to deal with the "special" people who aggro everything, run off and die then scream in chat about dying, you know the ones who think they are invincible and leeroy jenkins everything, or the soecials who insist of breaking CC/knocking mobs out of aoe, the list goes on. Much ado was made about the Swtor stories, some just want to experience it without being saddled with stupid.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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They want the entire story,

No actually he wants the elite coms, he didnt mention wanting to reveiw story 15 times at all

My post was simply how to go about that and suggesting MULTIPLE titles that are single player that focus on better story or content then solo mode SW:TOR does


but without the added hassle of having to be stuck with others who will:


Rush rush rush through the quest, ************ and moaning if they want to watch cut scenes or do bonus bosses, or look around.


again his post was about elite coms, not wanting to see same cut scene 15-20 times and since his post about elite coms, bonus bosses dont enter the picture as only 2 sm tacticals offer up elite coms for completion (you will note I didnt mention hd FPS because it was clear by his post hes looking for mindless easy content to offer up the coms, which eliminates HM FPS from equation)


Extra special is being orced to endure Turrets Syndrome suffering ADHD Call of Duty kiddies who fill group chat with lolspeak and or tragically misspelled profanity.


most GF sm tact groups dont speak at all so not sure what your refering to here


Having to deal with the "special" people who aggro everything, run off and die then scream in chat about dying, you know the ones who think they are invincible and leeroy jenkins everything, or the soecials who insist of breaking CC/knocking mobs out of aoe, the list goes on. Much ado was made about the Swtor stories, some just want to experience it without being saddled with stupid.


Again the OP said NOTHING about story lines so think your just projecting your own problems on the topic.


Hey I wont disagree, since 12x XP the grouping found in Group Finder sucks donkey @#%!@ huge.

Thats why I DO NOT do GF FPs anymore

But I also DONT demand elite coms be handed to me solo because I CHOOSE to not do GF FPs anymore.


I understood MY CHOICE came with consequences.

I don't like or agree with those consequences honestly but I knew what they were before I choose not to GF FP anymore.


Sounds like OP needs to either learn to play well with others for his elite coms or except the limitations that come from not running the GF content.





This thread is about ELITE COMS

Edited by Kalfear
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I was hoping for other ways of earning elite comm's in order to strive to get something else past 186. Group content hasn't been working very well for myself. I haven't had a successful Hardmode ever since Makeb was released. I solo a lot of things that generate comms, but they are mostly basic comms and they can only go so far. I play MMORPG's for story, not to always be forced to group with others in order to experience things in the game. Before Makeb, Hardmode's were not severely difficult, and now they are next to impossible to complete.


I just want to have something to strive for, that i know i can achieve. Instead of always having fail groups and feeling like I just wasted time. Some of us are not fortunate to have hardcore fleets to run things everyday. Most of us are on our own. I will always be a subscriber and never a lame F2P'er.

Edited by Glorthox
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