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More Class Missions in Future Expansions Please :)


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Hi, folks.


I would like to see more attention given to class-specific missions in future expansions. While I certainly appreciate the class mission we got with this latest expansion, I would relish the chance to engage in something more in-depth in the future---I am a big fan of Bioware storytelling. Out of all my fully leveled characters, the Sith Warrior is by far my favorite; I would certainly love to see how his role in galactic matters plays out, especially given the cryptic and anticipatory ending we got in Shadows of Revan. Oh, what a cliff-hanger that was!


Best regards,



PS: and more Darth Marr!

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Class story is what brought me back to the game and I am a loyal subscriber. And this expansion was a serious let down in terms of class story. I wasn't interested in Revan, I wanted more person class story. And when there was only a single mission and it was over. I felt majorly cheated. Loved Rishi and hated Yavin 4. ( Could have had so much more and felt like another lame Makeb )
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