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How do I counter those stupidly overpowered bomber drone clusters?


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The problem with a lot of these solutions is they don't really address the bomber's support network and require more time than you really have in the game with the bomber and it's support network holding the point. What I've found to be the most useful against minelayers and drone spam is the Imperium/Clarion with EMP missiles and Quads. The reason being is that EMP pretty much eliminates all mines and drones within it's AOE and the cooldown is very fast compared to the system EMP ability of scouts. Also, the Imp/Clarion is extremely durable and you have access to two hull heals, you can progress in taking the satellite while also fighting the bombers. Remember that you don't have to lock on to the bomber itself, you can lock your EMP missile to anything, including defense turrets.


Personally I like the quads, but you can get away with any of the other weapons for the proximity you'll be fighting at, just be aware that you don't have a regenerative magazine so weapon power may become an issue. I prefer the charged hull plating although some have said the directional shield is nice, I think that the hull damage reduction is very important against the kind of mines you typically face. I've used the shield power converter for awhile, but I've recently switched to interdiction drive, this has the benefit of both slowing down everything at the satellite so they're easier to kill while also giving you a nice boost of speed to reach the next satellite once you secure the first.


Once you are lodged in with your Imperium/Clarion, it is very difficult to dislodge you, it typically requires an armor piercing weapon such as burst lasers or slug railguns, you can avoid fire for a long time and if you manage your health regens by the time you are finally defeated, the points are heavily in your favor and it is too late.

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With all these strats, we actually haven't mentioned the biggest thing - destroy the bomer before they get there.


Now realistically, if the entire enemy team swarms b, focus on clearing the node but make sure SOMEONE is pressuring the bombers, particularly with ion rails if you have them.


This is actually a super important because by disrupting the bomber's ability to get situated, you're able to catch them in a position they DON'T want to be in.


Again, solo play vs bombers is much more difficult, but even after getting bomber trolled, I think they're still a good addition to the meta (and I once felt this way too, primarily because you need so much coordination to take down a bomber squad).


Use the force (VOIP) and you'll also benefit :)

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