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Returnung healing sorc -need gearing advice


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So, with 3.0 I decided to get back to game and dust off my healing sorc. She is decked in 168/156 bear, so I won't touch group content, till I upgrade her a bit. I have about 1300 basics to do so. I'll mostly be doing flashpoints and SM ops - I don't have enough time to dedicate for learning HM - NiM OPS, besides my ever changing working schedule makes it problematic to be a part of a group that has fixed raid times.


Now for the gearing. What I read so far and what I seen at commendation vendors, is that the gear is very badly optimized. Will probably have to buy some parts over and over again , to drag mods into other pieces. And, as I mentioned earlier, the token gear from HM and higher is not possible in my case. But, that doesn't mean I can't optimize stuff for lower end content :)


So, what would be levels of alacrity, surge and such to properly gear up in 186-not set bonus gear?

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The comms gear isn't just badly optimized this time around. It's literally impossible to get unlettered mods from PVE comms gear, so you can't even buy 10 gloves to get 10 of the BiS mods now. :mad:


I'm afraid that if you want to run optimized 186s (since you probably won't be doing content that unlocks higher gear), you will have to go shopping on GTN, or learn the schematics and craft yourself (for the good mods/enhancements, not sure where you'll get the schematics). On my server, the desirable, low-endurance enhancements were already starting to pop up (for about 200k a pop), so I outfitted my PVE, dailies-running toon with them. I'm still leaving most of my optimized 180s mods in my gear for now, however, as I've yet to see unlettered mods appear on the GTN on my server.


Before 3.0 you had to either raid or have crafted the optimized enhancements, but at least the unlettered mods were obtainable through comms grinding. No more, comms are useless again (and we have nothing to spend them on other than this horrible abomination, either) :rolleyes:

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