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I have just re-subbed, haven't really played since the Hutt Cartel expansion came out and I have a few quick questions


Am I right in thinking that you still have to collect datacrons on each of you alts or is there a cartel market item that will remove the need?


Is there any benefit to housing or is it purely cosmetic/vanity?


How is class balance? I had a max lvl sniper and sent along with a lvl 40 or so operative, which would be the best to get back into it with?


Any other nuggets or suggestions would be much appreciated



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Am I right in thinking that you still have to collect datacrons on each of you alts or is there a cartel market item that will remove the need?


Yes, datacrons are still individual character based


Is there any benefit to housing or is it purely cosmetic/vanity?

If you are interested in the Conquests aspect of the game then decorated strongholds grants bonuses to completing conquest objectives (if you have all four strongholds fully decorated you double the points generated). Another benefit is free and zero cooldown quick travel - you can go from your stronghold to the last place you were or to fleet or to your starship. Thirdly, storage, mailbox, and GTN can be accessed via strongholds. And speaking of storage strongholds offer "legacy storage" - up to five cargo hold tabs of storage that ALL characters in a legacy can access, but the legacy storage "interface" is only available in a stronghold.


How is class balance? I had a max lvl sniper and sent along with a lvl 40 or so operative, which would be the best to get back into it with?

The jury is still out regarding balance. right now, Sage/Sorc DPS is OP and Merc healing is OP, but utility has been distributed (i.e. sent/mara used to be desired for their raid wide DPS buff, now all classes have a raid wide buff. They all do different things but they all contribute to short term boosts.

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Am I right in thinking that you still have to collect datacrons on each of you alts or is there a cartel market item that will remove the need?

Well, you don't HAVE to collect them at all. ;)

But, yeah, it's an individual character thing.


Is there any benefit to housing or is it purely cosmetic/vanity?

The main advantage to a SH is as a convenient area where you can put a mailbox, legacy storage, cargo bay, GTN terminal, etc, for easy access.

You can get a basic SH quite cheaply, and you don't need to unlock any rooms to make the above "convenience store". :)

If you have both Rep and Imp characters, the most basic SH to get would be on Nar Shaada, since it can be easily accessed from either faction. (Coruscant and Dromund Kaas SHs cost credits to access from the opposite faction, and Tatooine is expensive.)


As far as balance is concerned, I don't know if you are referring to PvP class balance, or the overall number of a particular class on a server. In either case - I don't know. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Another awesome quality to strongholds is that you get ALOT of teleport options for free. Unlimited as well. You can effectively instant travel to your stronghold from anywhere, and then right back to where you were standing, or right to your ship or fleet! No need for travel abilities anymore unless you tele straight to oricon etc, but now dont need fleet transport cd's
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