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Inscriptions in Star Chamber and Corellia Museum of Republic History ?


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i guess some of you in the Story and Lore section may be fluent in Aurebesh - this is a skill i have not kept up to date since my Star Wars Galaxies days. I recently played through the Imperial Agent storyline and have encountered - without giving any spoilers away - quite a bit of artifacts with Aurebesh inscriptions beneath them in the museums of Republic history on Corellia and a location called "Star Chamber" important to the agent class storyline. Alas, I did not stop to translate the inscriptions during the playthrough.


Has anyone translated these inscriptions ? Can anyone point me to a link where i can see a translation of the description of these items ? I suspect there are a lot of "hidden" cross-references to Star Wars lore in those inscriptions.


Have fun and May the Force be with you

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