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HM level 55 Ops+


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Currently I am on a progression team in my guild (Imp side), and we have Monday and Thursday (7pm CST- 10pm CST) for scheduled progression raids but there are a couple of us looking forward to being able to run more often than that. Some of the progression team has very low availability and aren't able to make it any other time except for the scheduled days. Those of us on the progression team have been able to successfully clear all HM level 55s, and are looking for other players capable of doing the same thing, and possibly progress into NiM 55 content and HM level 60 content. I'm not asking for players to join my guild, so don't worry about none of that. I'm asking for more HM capable people available during the night times (anywhere from 6pm CST- 10pm CST weekdays and all day on Fridays/Saturdays) to join and help get things running. Our HM+ ops require the use of TeamSpeak3 and parsec.

I am hoping that if we get enough people together and it work out well, we would make another progression team with our alts or you may be able to get into or normal progression team. If you are interested, get ahold of "TauPhoenii" in game, and/or post your player name (and your swtor availability/online time) so that I can get ahold of you whenever you are online. Feel free to ask any questions if need be.

Edited by KnownOfDreams
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I did mention I the post that we wish to progress into NiM 55 stuff, and HM level 60 stuff. NiM level 60 stuff isn't out yet, but when it does get released that will also be something we will be looking into trying NiM 60 stuff. assuming by that time we have cleared both HM versions.
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I'm an op healer, 5/5 HM DF/DP & 5/5 SM RAV/ToS and looking for a new raid team, as the one I just left used an 'issue' to out gear and I prefer to beat the content on my own merit. I was raiding Sat 7-11 PM CST and Sun 10 AM-12 CST but I do have some flexibility on the days and times. Give me a shout in game as I am on most nights and we can discuss. Character name is Z'zyxt Edited by Zzyxt
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