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Twin saber throw


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Also is it me or does tst dmg deal less target on multiple targets. I've had 8k hits on a single target with the buffed watchman twin saber throw but you never see large numbers when it hits a large number of targets only a single target. Maybe its my imagination or maybe its always been like this but ehhh idk :p Edited by AngusFTW
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you could have merged two attacks into one number.. like when you end masterstrike and hit dispatch right after, you hit MS - 8k and than eg 6k to 14k hit in total.. so you could have some 4k dmg and 4k hit from tst.. (just thinking about it.. not sure)
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Nope it def does hit 8k with watchman talent however i've never seen it crit for that much when it hits multiple targets seem dmg is reduced over multiple targets..


I think the buff only affects the first target hit. That seems to be what is happening when I have tested it. And interestingly when used with precision slash in combat spec the damage boost seems to affect all targets hit equally. this was all from some pretty brief testing though so it is hard to draw definitive conclusions.

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