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Low requisition Flashfire Videos


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I recently played some games on the Shadowlands server and I thought they were very interesting and decided to put them up on youtube. If you're intrested in how upgraded my ship is I'll put that at the bottom of the post.


The games were very fun and really show how much focusing only one pilot can really hurt your team and also how if you are being focused by many good pilots you can help by not only doing damage the entire games. Making gunships move and just surviving can really benefit your team.


I have to say my time on Shadowlands so far has been very trying as I have been focused more then I can remember anywhere else. To the point where I'm now using it against them.


As usual I want to hear about any and every mistake you see me make big or small. I call some out in the video as I notice them right away but I'm sure I missed some. Figure out what I could have done better I want to hear what everyone thinks!


I hope you enjoy the videos. :)





I'm flying a Flashfire exclusively it has only a little bit of requisition.

In total it has 3 different crew members, 2 points in Barrel roll, 3 Points in Distortion Field, 1 point in Targetting Telemetry, 1 point in Cluster Missile, 1 point in Regeneration thrusters and 3 points in Light weight armor. It also has a Large reactor and Burst laser cannons. For a total of 29500 requistion spent and 3750 fleet req on crew.

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I recently played some games on the Shadowlands server and I thought they were very interesting and decided to put them up on youtube. If you're intrested in how upgraded my ship is I'll put that at the bottom of the post.


The games were very fun and really show how much focusing only one pilot can really hurt your team and also how if you are being focused by many good pilots you can help by not only doing damage the entire games. Making gunships move and just surviving can really benefit your team.


I have to say my time on Shadowlands so far has been very trying as I have been focused more then I can remember anywhere else. To the point where I'm now using it against them.


As usual I want to hear about any and every mistake you see me make big or small. I call some out in the video as I notice them right away but I'm sure I missed some. Figure out what I could have done better I want to hear what everyone thinks!


I hope you enjoy the videos. :)





I'm flying a Flashfire exclusively it has only a little bit of requisition.

In total it has 3 different crew members, 2 points in Barrel roll, 3 Points in Distortion Field, 1 point in Targetting Telemetry, 1 point in Cluster Missile, 1 point in Regeneration thrusters and 3 points in Light weight armor. It also has a Large reactor and Burst laser cannons. For a total of 29500 requistion spent and 3750 fleet req on crew.


This is cool. I can provide a bit of perspective on the other side of both matches (and as someone who also gets focused a lot).


One thing I've learned from watch the streams of our matches together is that getting focused isn't always deliberate. Sometimes it absolutely is, of course, like when you and Verain were coordinating on me the night before last, or when we set ambushes for you around DO spawns (at the beginning of the 8v8, we called the DO and were waiting for you, because we knew you would be the first out there).


Anyway, my point is that if you are where you are supposed to be, then the action naturally swirls around you, and you become the target of many people. This is often not organized - it is focus, but not the kind of "get him specifically" focus that many of us might assume.


The 12v12 was a very close match given the teams. There's not much extra to say about it. If you saw my POV you'd have seen a lot of running from multiple gunships and attempting to shoot, which sort of mirrors Drak's game.


The 8v8 is more instructive, because there were obvious lessons to be drawn.

1) Positioning is important, but only if people listen. The action largely focused on very narrow windows of opportunity, as the other team was behind cover and under multiple fields of fire close to spawn. We had 2 people consistently run into the gunship ball behind the first line of columns, despite being told not to. This led the rest of the team to try and push forward, which threw everything out of whack, as it often happened piecemeal.


2) Support classes are still valuable in TDM. Drak was charging me consistently during the match, which is obvious from the video. Wasn't (usually) enough to kill me, but more than sufficient to stop me from killing. I did plenty of damage, but had few kills. I would break someone's shields then had to weave to avoid Drak's scout. Also, I naturally called for peels, which drew the rest of my team of 4 away from the rest of the action, exacerbating the situation I described above. If we had someone run a support bomber, My team in general would have wasted much less time dealing with interference.


btw drak did you change your mumble pw? I tried to say hi after I logged out of game last night and couldn't get in.

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This is cool. I can provide a bit of perspective on the other side of both matches (and as someone who also gets focused a lot).


One thing I've learned from watch the streams of our matches together is that getting focused isn't always deliberate. Sometimes it absolutely is, of course, like when you and Verain were coordinating on me the night before last, or when we set ambushes for you around DO spawns (at the beginning of the 8v8, we called the DO and were waiting for you, because we knew you would be the first out there).


Anyway, my point is that if you are where you are supposed to be, then the action naturally swirls around you, and you become the target of many people. This is often not organized - it is focus, but not the kind of "get him specifically" focus that many of us might assume.


The 12v12 was a very close match given the teams. There's not much extra to say about it. If you saw my POV you'd have seen a lot of running from multiple gunships and attempting to shoot, which sort of mirrors Drak's game.


The 8v8 is more instructive, because there were obvious lessons to be drawn.

1) Positioning is important, but only if people listen. The action largely focused on very narrow windows of opportunity, as the other team was behind cover and under multiple fields of fire close to spawn. We had 2 people consistently run into the gunship ball behind the first line of columns, despite being told not to. This led the rest of the team to try and push forward, which threw everything out of whack, as it often happened piecemeal.


2) Support classes are still valuable in TDM. Drak was charging me consistently during the match, which is obvious from the video. Wasn't (usually) enough to kill me, but more than sufficient to stop me from killing. I did plenty of damage, but had few kills. I would break someone's shields then had to weave to avoid Drak's scout. Also, I naturally called for peels, which drew the rest of my team of 4 away from the rest of the action, exacerbating the situation I described above. If we had someone run a support bomber, My team in general would have wasted much less time dealing with interference.


btw drak did you change your mumble pw? I tried to say hi after I logged out of game last night and couldn't get in.



Oh I absolutely know what you mean about sometimes you feel like everyone's targeting you all the time but you just happen to be the only one charging or something like that. Which was exactly what was happening in the 8v8, not many other people were charging your gunships which naturally made me everyone's target.


By hardcore focus I don't just mean coordination in voice type of focus, what I mean is no one "let's go" of a target. So many times some of the players chasing me should have realized that on the minimap there was 1 red arrow and 5 green ones. That is just really bad and you need to realize that 3-5 of you are taking too long to kill one person.


When you were coordinating peels with your team you should probably ask a specific person or something to peel someone off you so that everyone doesn't come running.



As for actual strategy of using a support Bomber to peel Scouts we learned this very quickly on the first Super Serious Night. Scouts can't peel Scouts off Gunships, it takes too long for the Scout to make the other have to run. This is why we adapted a Legion in our strategies because it seems to be the best ship to peel a Scout off a Gunship.



We have not changed our password to mumble so feel free to drop by anytime. If you still can't get in I will resend the info as a PM the next time I see you. :)

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