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Is it just me or is Sentinel over 56 getting kind of boring ?


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I need to get something of my chest.

After over a year I started playing SWTOR again, with my old and trusted Sentinel.


And yes, despite some not so interesting planets (everyone has em) finally I got up to level 56 ,YEAAHHH...


But after level 56, I find everything getting very ... boring.


There are no armor or (decent) weapon upgrades.

And the missions are going from the same thing everytime to no way to complete beacause of to hhard/heavy bosses.


I wouldn't mind seeing the armor and weapon (and other extra's) gap between level 56 till 60 being filled with some new stuff.

Now, the only thing your doing, is killing everything that has a steady heartbeat and a breath just to collect money or coins so you can buy some decent stuff when you hit level 60.

Edited by Maccie_D
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Do you have the Revan expansion? If so, have you run the forged alliances story arc yet? 4 x FP's that can be solo'd and then you go off to the new planet Rishi. You should be at least lvl 57 by the time you get there. From there you start getting blue and green 178 gear immediately. At 60 you should have enough comms to get most if not all of your basic 186 gear. You should get more than enough drops for gear on Rishi and Yavin that you should ever have to purchase any upgrades between 55 and 60.


As far as "boring" goes, yes with 3.0 they've changed a lot of combat mechanics on a lot of classes, but I'm still enjoying the class. The biggest change is the force sweep "smashmonkey" spec is just plain gone now. If sentinel just doesn't do it for you, you can always roll another toon. If you want dot spec, run a sorc/sage or sin/shadow... if you want a burst spec like sentinel used to be, then vanguard/PT has amazing burst. I'm also having a lot of fun on my sniper now with a boat load of burst, my opening rotation is hitting for 10-15k dps for the first 5-10 seconds, and I'm no where near geared yet.


3.0 changed a lot, so I'd approach it like a brand new game with brand new mechanics for each class, some haven't changed much, some have changed substantially.

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Do you have the Revan expansion? If so, have you run the forged alliances story arc yet? 4 x FP's that can be solo'd and then you go off to the new planet Rishi. You should be at least lvl 57 by the time you get there. From there you start getting blue and green 178 gear immediately. At 60 you should have enough comms to get most if not all of your basic 186 gear. You should get more than enough drops for gear on Rishi and Yavin that you should ever have to purchase any upgrades between 55 and 60.


As far as "boring" goes, yes with 3.0 they've changed a lot of combat mechanics on a lot of classes, but I'm still enjoying the class. The biggest change is the force sweep "smashmonkey" spec is just plain gone now. If sentinel just doesn't do it for you, you can always roll another toon. If you want dot spec, run a sorc/sage or sin/shadow... if you want a burst spec like sentinel used to be, then vanguard/PT has amazing burst. I'm also having a lot of fun on my sniper now with a boat load of burst, my opening rotation is hitting for 10-15k dps for the first 5-10 seconds, and I'm no where near geared yet.


3.0 changed a lot, so I'd approach it like a brand new game with brand new mechanics for each class, some haven't changed much, some have changed substantially.


Yep ,bought the Revan expansion yesterday :cool:

Because I couldn't find any level 56 hardware on the market ,I thought the next level you could get upgrade armor was at level 60.


But ehh ,what do you mean with 4*FP :confused::o

(I'm doing story line only ,not pvp etc)


PS :

I've started anew this afternoon, as bounty hunter.

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FP = Flashpoint


They're typically instance dungeons for groups but these 4, which begin with your ship giving you "Shadow of Revan: Prelude," can be soloed.


For reference, the earliest flashpoint you typically encounter is usually The Black Talon (Imp) or The Esseles (Pub) around lvl 10 when you go from your starter planet to Coruscant.

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Yep ,bought the Revan expansion yesterday :cool:

Because I couldn't find any level 56 hardware on the market ,I thought the next level you could get upgrade armor was at level 60.


But ehh ,what do you mean with 4*FP :confused::o

(I'm doing story line only ,not pvp etc)


PS :

I've started anew this afternoon, as bounty hunter.


Level 58 is the next upgrade, than Level 60.

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