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Adaptive armor question


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All the adaptive armor I've seen has a very low armor rating (or armor class, whatever it's called in this game) Do people boost the armor rating by mods? I have yet to see any that do. It's also a boost to stats, not armor rating. Confused. It seems the green gear I pick up as loot, and get from quest rewards is better than the mods and adaptive armor I've been getting. Is the adaptive armor route only for those who already have a rich high level character and they buy the best off the auction house?


Thanks for any info. I've been getting owned by lower level players on the pvp server and it's a little humiliating. I'm guessing they have way better gear. I've just been using what I find on the ground and quest rewards. Gets me through pve questing and leveling. I have been not wanting to spend money on gear because I use it to craft and need money for the spaceship upgrades, speeder, piloting skill etc.

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Moddable armor has negligible rating, it takes the rating from the armoring you put in. In the case of moddable adaptive armor, that rating gets multiplied by the highest armor type the wearer can use.


For instance (made up numbers):

- Empty adaptive armor: 6 rating

- Adaptive armor with level 10 armoring, on a Jedi Consular character (light armor): 70 rating

- Adaptive armor with level 10 armoring, on a Bounty Hunter character (heavy armor): 120 rating

- Adaptive armor with level 42 armoring, on a Jedi Consular character (light armor): 300 rating


And so on. I hope I made myself clear.


Also, the armor rating is a relatively unimportant stat. Focus on your main stat, and endurance and defensive stats if your character is a tank. You can spend commendations on gear instead of credits, although it is advisable to save most of them for endgame.

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There seems to be some general confusion of "adaptive" armor versus "mod-able" armor.


Mod-able armor, which is usually orange or purple, has slots for an "armor", a "mod", and an "enhancement" (plus a dye slot). The overall rating for the armor depends upon the "armor" piece you put on it. The "mod" and "enhancement" add the secondary stats (plus some main stat and endurance).

So, to properly configure mod-able armor you need to add an Armor, Mod, and Enhancement to each piece, that matches your character's level and build.

Mod-able armor is available in light, medium, heavy, and "adaptive" forms. Light, medium and heavy can only be worn by the appropriate characters that use light, medium, or heavy armor. "Adaptive" armor adapts itself to the armor type of the wearer, and can, therefore, be used by any class. Most (if not all) adaptive armor is mod-able.


There are also mod-able weapons. Some of them, particularly some companion weapons are "green", as well as orange or purple.

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Adaptive armor is usually orange, but I suppose there may be purple as well.

Down at the bottom of any armour's description it will say "Requires ..." light, medium, heavy, droid or adaptive "... armor" (or words to that effect).

Edited by JediQuaker
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Note also that the armor "value" (IOW how many points it adds to your character's "Total Armor" listed on your character sheet) will depend not just on the "weight" of the piece, but also what equipment slot it is for. Head, Chest and Leg items will provide far more armor value at the same weight and Rating, than ones for the Hands, Feet, Wrists and Waist slots.


With no armoring modification in it, a modable armor piece has a Rating of 8.


For Head, Chest or Legs, this will give a value of 10 for Light armor, 20 for Medium, and 32 for Heavy. In the other slots, the values for the different weights will be 6, 13, and 20.


A "green" Rank 7 armoring will be Rating 46, and bump those numbers to 126, 186, and 254 in the H/C/L slots, and 78, 116, and 159 in the other slots (all actual numbers, not made up).


For "adaptive" armor, the values will "adapt" to be the ones for the highest weight of armor your character can use. So a Consular (Inquisitor), would get the Light armor value, a Smuggler or Jedi Sentinel (Agent or Sith Marauder) would get the Medium value, and a Jedi Guardian or Trooper (Sith Juggernaut or Bounty Hunter) would get the Heavy armor value from the exact same item.

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