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On par for a sentinel?


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Recently I have been parsing on the dummy and I feel that my numbers are a little low. I have only recently come back to swtor to play 3.0 having skipped most of 2.0. However, in 1.0, i was quite a good parser (for my gear) and was running EC HM and else with some success. This is to say that I would not immediately point at my rotation if my dps were to be low (Not that it would be out of the realm of possibility by all means). Anyways, time to get to the numbers.


My parses in watchman are ~3650.

OH, Gloves, Belt, Wrists, and one implant are 192 with no set bonus yet :(

All other gear is 186 comm gear that is somewhat modified

I also have the new augments with strength


4362 Strength (with stim)

1824-2132 MH damage

197-295 OH damage

Bonus Damage 1207.4 (1207 Power)

Accuracy 100.52 (811 Accuracy Rating)

24.80% Crit (225 Crit Rating)

65.01% Surge (245 Rating)

0 Alacrity (just thought i'd mention it)



If I forgot anything let me know but i'm just trying to get an idea if my parses are on par, a bit low, or quite low. The leaderboards being down makes it harder to compare numbers so i figured that the forums would be a good place to go. I'm just seeing if my gear matches my parse so then i can know how much I need to improve with rotation and such. I understand that the ideal numbers are by no means set in stone but just looking for some feedback.

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