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SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection. Need help? A good place to look.


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Change log:


There are now two versions:

  1. SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection 4.0 -> Link
  2. SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection 3.0 -> Link


The 4.0 version has new information and sheets based on changes from the 4.0 and later patches.


The 3.0 version still has information that is relevant but some of the information and sheets are outdated.


As I have time I am taking the old sheets from 3.0 and updating them and transferring them to the 4.0 version.




SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection.

If you're new and need help this is a good source of information.


Started a SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection.



The hopes for the spreadsheet is that we work together as a community to:

  • Create new Spreadsheets that are helpful to the community.
  • Add helpful spreadsheets you have come across giving credit to the creator and providing a link of the source on the table of contents.
  • Help add Links to Helpful Guides on the appropriate Guide Link Spreadsheets.
  • Help add missing information to existing Spreadsheets.
  • Help correct errors found on the existing Spreadsheets.
  • Most importantly use the spreadsheets people have made to further enjoy the game.



What's in the Spreadsheet Collection so far:

Clickable links to the spreadsheets below:



Help wanted

  • Spreadsheet Gurus - If you're great at making spreadsheet why not help out:
    • Making the Spreadsheets look great.
    • Making the Spreadsheets more functional.
    • Making new spreadsheets.
    • Adding spreadsheets you have already made.
    • Fixing spreadsheets people accidently break.

    .[*]Missing Information - We need people to help fill in missing information. Look for "Please Fill" on spreadsheets the text will be in pink and easy to spot.

    [*]More content - Add it your self to the collection. If you don't know how just reply to this thread with a link I or someone else will add it for you.

    [*]More Guides - There are sheets for Class Guide Links and Crew Skill Guide Links. If you're great at your Class or Craft, please make a guide and paste a link on those sheets. If you know of a good guide paste a link to those guides on the sheets.

    [*]Exposure - Spread the word. Let your friends and guild mates know about this project. It's not my project it's our project.

    [*]Sticky - Let's get a sticky on this thread. Leave a reply to this thread requesting it to be stickied by the moderators. If you're a moderator and can see the value of this project not just to the players but also to Bioware do all of us a solid and sticky this thread.




I have made many of these Spreadsheet Collections for games that I have played with great success, when the community comes together to work on a shared project. There are is a lot of information out there that is outdated. Lets work together and create a one stop source of up to date information, guides and spreadsheets. I will continue creating spreadsheet but it would people helpful and faster if people from the community help to create something useful and beautiful for their peers.


Spread the word let your guilds and friends know about this spreadsheet.


If you you don't know how to edit spreadsheets but would like something added to the collection please leave a link with a reply. Someone who knows how or I could help add it to the spreadsheet.


If you like the concept of this project please reply and request for this thread to get a sticky.


To the moderators I have a similar post in the general section, thought it would be help here for the new players. Hope it isn't a problem.


Thank You, and may the force be with you.

Dorjee - Begeren Colony - Republic




:jawa_angel:Click here and get a free 7 day subscription, a bundle pack for each character and a free transfer!

:sy_blaster:Click - For details.

Edited by DorjeeVajra
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New content added to the "Crew Skill - Critical / Efficiency Bonus for each Class/Companion." spreadsheet.


I added a table with the absolute best possible Distribution of Crew Skills between 8 Characters 1 of each Rep/Imp Class to achieve:

  • Max Crit for all Craft skills.
  • Max Crit for all Gather/Mission skills.
  • Max Efficiency for all Gather/Mission skills.


If you use this setup you will have:

  • Each Craft Skill once.
  • Each Gather/Mission skill twice.
  • Two Crew skill choices to do as you please.


This setup will require you to have 8 characters total 4 Republic and 4 Imperial.


If you see any need for corrections let me know.

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Added a New Spreadsheet: 1/2/2015

Miscellaneous Guide Links


This spreadsheet has a list of Miscellaneous Guides / Info for SWTOR:


Here are a few examples:

  1. Affection Conversations: (List of Affection Missions: Convo Routes Affection gained)
  2. Picky Companions Affection/Gift walkarounds.
  3. SWTOR / MMO Glossary / Abbreviations.
  4. Datacron: General, Relic Builds, Locations (Maps, Coordinates, Videos)
  5. Newcomers: Wealth of info one spot for Newcomers, Also good for experienced players.


Sidenote: I am one person :p. I just started playing the game 3 weeks ago so have not learned where all the great guides are yet but been adding them as I come across them or consolidating scattered information into spreadsheets. Most of my efforts are leaning towards crafting info and craft spreadsheets ATM as I usually start blasting out craft / gather skills to make gear/currency to use on my characters before I focu on leveling them. That being said ......


Could really use everyones help filling the following sheets with links to great guides:

Miscellaneous Guide Links

Class Guide Links

Crew Skill Guide Links


It's really quite simple just copy the address of the link from the browser and paste it into the link column of the spreadsheets. Example of what a link looks like (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=786276)


Special thanks to those that have been contributing to the project.

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Two New Spreadsheets added 1/4/2015:

SWTOR Sources

This spreadsheet has:

  1. Portals to websites providing content for SWTOR.
  2. I added a bunch of websites I know of if you see something I missed please add it to the list.


Datacron - Quantity, Stat, Shard and Lore Totals by Planet

This spreadsheet has:

  1. Raw data of Datacrons such as QTY, Stats, Shards and Lore per planet and totals.
  2. Spreadsheet created by: BleysTCS

Thanks to BleysTCS for adding a new sheet.



Global Changes:

All sheets on the far right side, now has three tables:

  1. Contributors List - If you help a particular spreadsheet in any way add your name to this list.
  2. Change List - For people to annotate changes they have made to the sheet.
  3. Comments - For people to leave any comments they would like to leave about the sheet. Such as things that could be added. Possible errors, etc...



It's gone viral:

I would like to thank all the websites that have showcased this project.

I would like to also thank all the people that have made Tweets and Facebook comments about the project.

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New Spreadsheets added 1/5/2015:


Google Docs 101

This spreadsheet has:

  1. Easy to follow picture tutorial on how to use Google Spreadsheets, starting with the basics and progressing to the more advanced.



I am sure there are many people that are new to Google Spreadsheets so I started a picture tutorial on how to use Google spreadsheets. It's very easy to follow.


Just started it so for now there are just two tutorials.

  • How to navigate through all the sheets quickly using the "All Sheets Button"
  • How to fix something you break by accident, using the undo and redo button.
  • I will keep adding tutorials as I have time.
  • Any help making tutorials will be appreciated. Doesn't have to be perfect I can always do touchups on tutorials people add.



Anyone thats an expert on google docs please add to the tutorial :)


I used Gadwin Printscreen click on this to goto the download page.


Gadwin is an awesome print screen that allows you to create hot buttons to screen capture with the mouse in the picture. Most screen captures make the mouse disappear not very helpful when making tutorials.

Edited by DorjeeVajra
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Added (1) list of equipment available from lvl 1-50 planetary vendors, and (2) list of item modifications available from lvl 1-50 planetary vendors.


Great job thanks for the contribution.


Noticed the sheets were:

  • at another spreadsheet location without the standard green "Click -> To return to the table of Contents" link, that is standard for all the sheets in the collection to make it easier for people to navigate
  • set on view only no edit enabled.


For continuity could you:

  • Open the sheets up for edit. You do this by the blue "Share" button located at the top right corner of google spreadsheets.
  • Either migrate the sheet to the collection or add a green "Click -> To return to the table of Contents" link that is standard for all the sheets in the collection. Makes it easier for people new to google docs to navigate that way.


If you need any help making the changes let me know :)


Once again TY


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Three New Spreadsheets added 1/5/2015:


Crew Skill - List of Dropped or Vendor Schematics

This spreadsheet has:

  1. A list of Dropped and Vendor Schematics. (Non Skill Trainer Schematics)
  2. Currently just one entry on there to get the ball rolling.Could use help filling this one out since I just started to play a month ago :p:). Remember its a community spreadsheet owned by all the players, so lets get some community teamwork on this. Im taking a few days off, I will fill what I can as I have time and run into Schematics and find info for them on the net, when i get back.




The next two sheets were added by Obi-GYN-Kinobi

Both sheets are external ATM and not open for edit. Working on contacting him to have them migrated to the collection, return to Table of Contents link added and open for edit.



Equipment Available from Imp/Pub Lvl 1-50 Planetary Vendors

This spreadsheet has:

  1. List of items available and cost in commendations.


Item Modifications Available from Imp/Pub Lvl 1-50 Planetary Vendors

This spreadsheet has:

  1. List of mods, their stats, Locations and cost in Commendations.




See you guys in a few days taking a little break :p.

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I opened up the two sheets to editing. Google Docs is awful software and makes me want to claw my eyes out, so feel free to change them or move them, or whatever, however you would like.


Totally understand for a while in the past there were times I would make the sheets on Microsoft Excel then migrate to google docs and do touch ups from that point. After a while I've kinda gotten used to it. Some things better on Excell some things better on G-docs.


Thanks for a quick reply.


And looking forward to more of your work.

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Added a New Spreadsheet: 1/11/2015

Crew Skills - Materials List


This spreadsheet has:

  1. List of materials of Gather and Mission Crew Skills.
  2. It is up to date with the new mats from the latest update.
  3. It has images of the mats.


No more having to go to multiple sites to get a complete list of materials. This list has the old and the new mats and is up to date with the Revan Expansion.


Spent a lot of time on this one, hope you folks enjoy it.


I got a full 8 man crew for crafting and gathering. wanted to maximise efficiency of my legacy cargo space to keep a minimum of 99 of each material for ease of crafting and got tired of having to goto multiple sources to get a complete sheet. Deff made organizing the cargo space much easier especially with the images.


Photo of the spreadsheet: ( Too bad we can't insert photos )


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  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hi folks sorry I have been away for so long. I think it's been about 6 to 7 months.


I had to take care of my commercial property, listing it for rent and getting it ready for sales.


Good news is I am back and will continue working on the spreadsheets.


I have started correcting some of the things people have broken and will start adding new content.


I just added:

Crew Skill - Mission Discoveries Table


It shows the image of the item, the skill requirement, rarity by color and a link to more information.


It's good to be back.


On a side note to my surprise a really amazing new source came out, in my absence and I absolutely love it. Check it out if you haven't already.


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A friendly advice is to not spend too much time updating crew skills and companion bonuses as this will be changed in the upcomming expansion :tran_smile:


we're not sure what is happening with crafting just yet and they said they were not taking access to companions away so it could very well be the crafting bonuses stay. A little premature to say that stuff is just gone imo.

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we're not sure what is happening with crafting just yet and they said they were not taking access to companions away so it could very well be the crafting bonuses stay. A little premature to say that stuff is just gone imo.


I have not said it would be gone but we do know that the crafting will be changed. If someone wants to spend time updating as it is now it is fine, I was only giving a friendly advice that things will change.

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I have not said it would be gone but we do know that the crafting will be changed. If someone wants to spend time updating as it is now it is fine, I was only giving a friendly advice that things will change.
I was thinking exactly the same. And I do very much appreciate the work the OP put into this and use some parts of it quite a bit.


As to what has been said about crew skill changes, check the Developer Tracker or the Q&A on (as always) Dulfy.

From there:

Q: Will companion bonuses still affect crafting?


A: No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.

[Note: Influence is a reworked "affection" according to same Q&A]

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A friendly advice is to not spend too much time updating crew skills and companion bonuses as this will be changed in the upcomming expansion :tran_smile:


Thanks for the heads up :)


Mostly just working on fixing things that people broke.


The Mission Discoveries Table is now complete.


Mission Discoveries Table - Spreadsheet


For those not familiar Mission Discoveries unlock special missions that give out Wealthy missions which gives a lot more than the rich missions. You can get Mission Discoveries from Crew Skill Slicing or through the GTN.


To make things simple on GTN do a search for " Mission Discovery { Crew Skill } ".

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I was thinking exactly the same. And I do very much appreciate the work the OP put into this and use some parts of it quite a bit.


As to what has been said about crew skill changes, check the Developer Tracker or the Q&A on (as always) Dulfy.

From there:


[Note: Influence is a reworked "affection" according to same Q&A]


Glad you got some use out of it.


Thankfully affection is maxed on all companions :)


I'm glad the work I did on the Crew Skill bonuses was done a long time ago or I might be a little disappointed hehe.


Lets hope that most of the new changes are for the better and not for the worst. :)


Next Star Wars movie comes out Dec 18th 2015 it could either make or break them depending on what they did.


I hoping for good changes so we can populate the servers again.


Meanwhile gonna try and make some crafting and general guides to help out the new players that may come to the game with the movie release date nears.

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