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SWTOR Open Source Community Spreadsheet Collection.


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Added a New Spreadsheet: 1/11/2015

Crew Skills - Materials List"


This spreadsheet has:

  1. List of materials of Gather and Mission Crew Skills.
  2. It is up to date with the new mats from the latest update.
  3. It has images of the mats.


No more having to go to multiple sites to get a complete list of materials. This list has the old and the new mats and is up to date with the Revan Expansion.


Spent a lot of time on this one, hope you folks enjoy it.


I got a full 8 man crew for crafting and gathering. wanted to maximise efficiency of my legacy cargo space to keep a minimum of 99 of each material for ease of crafting and got tired of having to goto multiple sources to get a complete sheet. Deff made organizing the cargo space much easier especially with the images.


Photo of the spreadsheet: ( Too bad we can't insert photos )


Edited by DorjeeVajra
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