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There is a lot of buzz hitting the internet over what augments to use since the release of 3.0. Between using mainstat and power, I was curious if anyone has any information on what they have been using for their toon.


Mostly I'd like to know what Healers are using for their Mercs. =) Does anyone have any suggestions before I reach 60? Should I focus on using all main Augments, mix it up, or focus on End/Power only augments. Any information would be extremely helpful.



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Well the difference will be very small (maybe not even noteable). But I think reflex augments (aim) might be slightly better for mercenaries and commandos, due to the extra critical bonus. The reason for this is the two passives Advanced Targeting and Warden (merc terms) that both increases the critical multiplier/surge rating of all healing abilities.


I like MS cuz it gives bonus healing AND crit which allows you to drop crit for alacrity and surge


Well mostly correct. Crit does not compete with alacrity and surge in the stat budget. Critical competes with power in mods and enhancements and with aim and power in augments.

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I wish I had an answer for you. There seems to be alot of conflicting information out there right now. One person will tell you power is the way to go and yet ask someone else and you hear main stat. Frankly, I don't think we have had enough people yet to crunch the numbers and post them for review. If you are DPS it even gets more confusing because some people suggest accuracy over power and main stat. I have also seen some commandos and mercs go full crit on their augments and get some insainly high crit percents, but more people claim this is a bad approach due to deminishing returns.


I don't htink the dust has settled yet on this issue and it may be another month or two before we get factual data and answers for all of the variations. I don't even think that the Devs test all the potential augment variations. I think they wait for the player base to do the heaving lifting for them. And if an OP variant gains popularity then they find a way to nerf it.

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Power augments. Crit and such is easy to get for heals. So... once you have that.. which is really easy with the current gear and mods... Power augments are the only way to go. You get more power from a power aug, then the power that you get from the mainstat ones. Pure... and simple.


The passive are a straight tack on to what you have. IE: If you have 75% surge, you'll have 85% when the proc happens, and it happens A LOT. Its the same for critical. I'm fine running 25% critical chance still.



Overkill Augments... always....

Edited by jojomortale
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If I did my math right.....


for healing


1 aim = .13 heal pwr

1 aim = .003 crit %

1 pwr = .17 heal pwr


full set of aim augs would 2.10% crit and 94.64 heal pwr

full set of pwr augs would be 0% crit and 123.76 heal pwr


now this may be wrong, but I figured this out by just taking a piece a gear with either a mod or enhancement and worked it. So depending if you need Crit or not that's the factor. I my opinion I go with main stat since I see a decrease in Crit %,

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If I did my math right.....


for healing


1 aim = .13 heal pwr

1 aim = .003 crit %

1 pwr = .17 heal pwr


full set of aim augs would 2.10% crit and 94.64 heal pwr

full set of pwr augs would be 0% crit and 123.76 heal pwr


now this may be wrong, but I figured this out by just taking a piece a gear with either a mod or enhancement and worked it. So depending if you need Crit or not that's the factor. I my opinion I go with main stat since I see a decrease in Crit %,


Partially right. But you are omitting the diminishing marginal returns of main stats contribution towards crit%. So at level 60 you will have a main stat pool around 4000 (may not be exact, but pretty close). Adding 14 augments increases main stat by 728 (764.4 incl. sage/sorc buff). Going from 4000 --> 4728 MS increases your crit% by 1.1491% (~1.2% incl. sage/sorc buff).

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If I did my math right.....


for healing


1 aim = .13 heal pwr

1 aim = .003 crit %

1 pwr = .17 heal pwr


full set of aim augs would 2.10% crit and 94.64 heal pwr

full set of pwr augs would be 0% crit and 123.76 heal pwr


now this may be wrong, but I figured this out by just taking a piece a gear with either a mod or enhancement and worked it. So depending if you need Crit or not that's the factor. I my opinion I go with main stat since I see a decrease in Crit %,


Aim is actually .14 power per point, and crit is closer to .0025, but that's a very minor difference.


What it comes down to is if you think you need that 2% crit over the additional bonus heal. Neither answer is wrong. In my opinion I add 1 crit mod to make up more than half that loss crit, while gaining .3 more bonus heal.

Edited by TezMoney
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