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Idea stat break down for tank jugg


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All in title, what is "considered" the perfect stat set up for thanks to get the most tankyness out of your char? I was thinking it might be 55 damage reduction, and shield chance and absorption as high as you can get it at that point.
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55% damage reduction would be pretty high. In the elite set I'm at 48%. (Out of combat)


The general consensus seems to be 20/40/40. Defense/shield/absorb


Shield and absorb are easy with regular equipment. Need augs to get the defense that high.

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Dont look at the stat distribution as a stat you could use for every boss. Your stats depends on the boss. There are bosses who do a lot of kinetic dmg. This would require you to get more defense than 20%. But there are also bosses who do less kinetic dmg but more force/tech attacks. Those attacks can not be defended but only shielded. For those fights you would require more shield and more absorb. Easiest way is to have a parser and to calculate how much kinetic dmg and how much force/tech dmg you receive per boss and then min-max your equipment towards those numbers. If your only a casual gamer and you dont want to calculate those numbers, use KBN ideal tankstatdistribution tread in the tanking forum. If you dont want to min-max your equipment towards a bossfight, play a dps class.
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