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Marauders cannot heal to full and make them pay.


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We're broken. ANYTHING is playable in PVE. Anything. So I don't wanna hear anything about PVE. In PVP, marauders are a joke, and Carnage is the greatest joke ever told. Remember when we used to be able to compete? I do. It was just before 3.0 hit. So many posts. SO MANY POSTS.. and not one response from the devs. Seriously. Just reply to something and say "Ok, we screwed up, we're giving it some thought." Edited by The_X
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I dunno, I've been doing well on my carnie. The fact that I can protect a full berserk gore window with choke's hardstun is pretty powerful.


You can't. When you hit force choke and then gore you will have him only 1,5 sec in your choke. And you can use your breaker too and stun back....

And how many damage does your half protected gore window do in average? Compare that to the not in need of any protection used skills like a 30m TD + the other 30m skill + energy burst while pressing shoulder cannon in between, all under explosive fuel, when you come near he uses one of his two stun breakers and laughs at you while +75 speed HO and magnetic blasting you from 15m away..... If you come near a second time, he either hard stuns or carbonizes you.....


Attack a sorc with bubble stun, knock back with root, instant whirlwind with stun, 4sec stun, bubble protection, self heals, self heals on damage, root break on force speed and last but not least force barrier which heals the half and the game starts over with bubble stun.... While his dots are ticking and ticking and ticking.


A jugg laughs at you.


An operative will open on you and you begin with minus fifty percent damage. He can root you, slow you, roll away, while healing up, evade, 30sec hard stun, 3sec root while hitting very hard with yellow damage. When you, for whatever reason, have him almost dead, he cloaks out and laughs.


Yeah, sniper, you have to run to him while he is doing his critical hit aimed shot then the channeled attack which kicks you back and slows you, if you reach him again he either rolls away starting all over, or use his second knock back which roots you for 2 secs. Enough time for another aimed shot and channeled attack. And flash bang, and leg shot, and hard stun and entrench and 75% mitigation while evasion, 30% mitigation for your first attacks, that's about 60% when he uses his adrenal. Ok, you have tools too, but he has more.


Ok, I stop there. You surely know what an assassin will do with you in that 12+ sec immunity against all CCs...


Probably you can beat a mercenary if his electro net is on CD :-)

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