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Considering switching disciplines


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And please, before all the "marauders suck", "go roll a jugg", etc. crap, I know- this class apparently isn't very good right now. That is beside the point and for the purpose of this thread, does not matter. Also worth noting is that I am not very good at this spec.


I currently play Annihilation, but am not finding it very much fun for 2 reasons:


-Abilities used in the rotation are including but not limited to: Battering Assault, Force Rend, Annihilate, Rupture, Ravage, Assault, Vicious Slash, Berserk, Force Charge, Smash (for AoE), Dual Saber Throw and Charged Saber. That is 12 abilities and takes up a lot of keybinds (compare this to an Advanced Prototype Powertech who only has 6 abilities in its rotation). I spend more time looking at my target's debuff bar (which I'll get to later) and my ability bar than I do what's going on around me. Not to mention that I press everything a little bit slower because I need to reach for the "6" and "7" keys (but I do have small hands, and this could just be the result of poor keybinding)


-We have 3 main DoTs: Deadly Saber, a 6 second DoT, Rupture, a 12 second DoT, and Force Rend, with an 18 second ICD. As stated above, I spend a lot of time either looking at my action bar to see what abilities are on cooldown, or trying to figure out which DoTs need to be reapplied because they all end at different times (I realize that is part of the challenge of the spec, but that seems unnecessarily complicated, and again- let me reiterate that I am not very good at this spec) . That's not such an easy task, however, when if my target is being attacked by other enemies, there are other debuffs, and even if I'm the only one attacking my target, I still need to sort through the debuff caused by Annihilate as well as 2 or 3 other bleeds (is there a way to highlight my own?)


This just makes the spec frustrating and for me, difficult to play. I'm beginning to think that maybe I'm just not skilled enough to be able to play Annihilation (and if that's a fact, then so be it).


With my reasons aside, which discipline should I spec into: Carnage or Fury (just in terms of rotation/opener difficulty, length and all around "fun" level)?

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I would say play Fury, its pretty straightforward, its burst is easily set up. At the moment you would be frustrated with Carnage because as much as Annihilation requires skill in dot management, Carnage requires extreme skill in avoiding kiting and knowing when to use your burst so it wont get negated. So Id suggest you to try Fury first.

Oh yeah and Maras suck :p So dont be too depressed if you dont get the best results, just hang in there in case you dont want to switch class ;)

Edited by Pantokratorx
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I would say play Fury, its pretty straightforward, its burst is easily set up. At the moment you would be frustrated with Carnage because as much as Annihilation requires skill in dot management, Carnage requires extreme skill in avoiding kiting and knowing when to use your burst so it wont get negated. So Id suggest you to try Fury first.

Oh yeah and Maras suck :p So dont be too depressed if you dont get the best results, just hang in there in case you dont want to switch class ;)


This. My main Pub is a sent and I switched from Combat (Carnage) to Concentration (Fury) about a week ago, I'm finding it better and more fun than Combat in 3.0.

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