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Marauder Annihilation spec need help


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Pre 3.0 i was Carnage and loved it.. decided to go anni after 3.0. im in full 186's, NO 2/4/6 piece bonus sets. fully augmented. Got my rotation down pretty good as far as i know, but for the life of me i cant seem to break 3.2k dps on the ops dummy on my ship. ive tried at different times of day, Tried With adrenal and without, Just cant seem to Break 3.2k. and its driving me Nutz, Especially when there are people claiming to be hitting 3.9-4k dps with lesser gear.





Above is a screenie of my toon and her stats, Maybe someone more knowledgeable than I can see something wrong?


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Ardarell_Solo's guide should get you far better success than you currently have. It's hard for anyone to give you any pointers unless you post what you're currently doing rotation-wise, and even harder with torparse down and no way to link parses. Try what Ardarell posted and I am positive you'll hit above 4k with your gear. The rotation itself is pretty straightforward, as long as you stay awake.


You have the old set bonus, ye? You should not change that until you get the new four set bonus (as in, I would not remove old 186 armourings for 192/198 ones for only the two set bonus).

Edited by Xenphon
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No i dont have Any set bonus pieces! never managed to get them, this was an Alt my main is a ops healer s never got to take my alt on ops much so never managed to get the set pieces some how.


How much of a dps Loss is Not having the set bonus's? could that be my problem.


My opener is the same as follows:


Brooding for 30 Stacks Fury

Force Charge + Deadly Saber

Battering Assault , Berserk , Frenzy + Blood thirst



Force Rend



Twin saber throw if proced

Force Charge, deadly saber




Battering Assault


Vicious Slash


Force Rend, Deadly saber


Blah blah refresh rupture as needed and force rend on proc ( i have Parsec track my dots)


Managed to Squeeze out a Tiny bit more, got my parse to 3.3k Phew... No 3.9k or 4k though.


Do the set bonuses make THAT much difference?

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The rotation itself is pretty straightforward, as long as you stay awake.



How can you say this when the opener itself is 13 abilities long? Not to mention if you don't get the opener perfectly, (for example using Force Rend 1 CD sooner), the rest of the rotation is completely different than the one you suggested.


Mind enlightening me? (Note: I suck at this spec)

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No i dont have Any set bonus pieces! never managed to get them, this was an Alt my main is a ops healer s never got to take my alt on ops much so never managed to get the set pieces some how.


How much of a dps Loss is Not having the set bonus's? could that be my problem.


My opener is the same as follows:


Brooding for 30 Stacks Fury

Force Charge + Deadly Saber

Battering Assault , Berserk , Frenzy + Blood thirst



Force Rend



Twin saber throw if proced

Force Charge, deadly saber




Battering Assault


Vicious Slash


Force Rend, Deadly saber


Blah blah refresh rupture as needed and force rend on proc ( i have Parsec track my dots)


Managed to Squeeze out a Tiny bit more, got my parse to 3.3k Phew... No 3.9k or 4k though.


Do the set bonuses make THAT much difference?


I have never done the math (not my forte), but you lose out on every dps boost from berserk (4% increased dmg for 15 seconds) and the added ravage damage boost. Whether that is the entire difference or not is hard without seeing a parse (nigh impossible with torparse down), but it does add a good chunk. The rest may very well be just perfecting the rotation and getting those good crits.


How can you say this when the opener itself is 13 abilities long? Not to mention if you don't get the opener perfectly, (for example using Force Rend 1 CD sooner), the rest of the rotation is completely different than the one you suggested.


Mind enlightening me? (Note: I suck at this spec)


I may have come out slightly wrong. I know the rotation is longer than most specs, but on the dummy it's for the most part doing it in the correct order (with some minimal rage management). DS on cd, do not clip rupture (I prefer applying it together with DS, as the cd is the same) and re-apply force rend when you get to three stacks. It's all very mechanical and utterly, utterly boring. There is no real flow and dynamic as experienced pre 3.0. You watch the buff bar and do your thing at the correct moment and rinse repeat.

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Considering the devs said our target dps in Full 198's with 6 piece bonus set is about 4.2-4.4k dps, I didn't think I was doing That bad considering I don't have any bonus pieces at all. Then visiting the forums and seeing people claiming Dps of 3.9k up to 4.7k kinda make me think wow i must be really Crap if i can only push 3.3k is my best.
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