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Ideas for merc buffs


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Another one guys...

Electronet- target cant no perform stealth, immunities, or Regen

Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps

Death from above (idea by ThrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast

Electro dart- now roots enemies till it explodes

(Edit: explosive dart ^^^)

Rocket punch- knocks target back (old school style and no more root)

Energy shield- deflects half damage done to merc

Kolto overload- can be used during stun

Kolto dart- heals one tick of half you currently healed

Super charge- increases DR by 10%


These are just a few ideas i had in mind for mercs. I'd give away a ton of our utility's for at least one of these. If you have any other ideas please share. Keep in mind some of the these are for different specs not all so dont cry OP because mercs are in need of some kind of buff.


P.s. still scratching my head to why our only root is a melee let alone a utility we have to take...

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Another one guys...

Electronet- target cant no perform stealth, immunities, or Regen

Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps

Death from above (idea by ThrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast

Electro dart- now roots enemies till it explodes

Rocket punch- knocks target back (old school style and no more root)

Energy shield- deflects half damage done to merc

Kolto overload- can be used during stun

Kolto dart- heals one tick of half you currently healed

Super charge- increases DR by 10%


These are just a few ideas i had in mind for mercs. I'd give away a ton of our utility's for at least one of these. If you have any other ideas please share. Keep in mind some of the these are for different specs not all so dont cry OP because mercs are in need of some kind of buff.


P.s. still scratching my head to why our only root is a melee let alone a utility we have to take...


u mean explosive dart, and my answer is no, would be extremely op imho. tracer + heatseeker + railshot while rooted is too much

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u mean explosive dart, and my answer is no, would be extremely op imho. tracer + heatseeker + railshot while rooted is too much


Oops ya my bad explosive dart. Please read some more of it i already stated its an idea so before you out it down like you just did think of this. We need a ranged root and yes my ideas are OP why??? Cuz this class NEEDS something. We NEED buffs we NEED improvements. Healers atm are fine. Dps mercs NEED somthing to help with ranked. They NEED somthing to counter the already OP classes. So you say it's OP but this class is the weakest of all classes for solo ranked. In group ranked your the healers number one fan. So calling OP on your end is stupid and don't talk a about regs cuz you get nothing when you que for that but coms.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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Another one guys...

Electronet- target cant no perform stealth, immunities, or Regen

Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps

Death from above (idea by ThrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast

Electro dart- now roots enemies till it explodes

Rocket punch- knocks target back (old school style and no more root)

Energy shield- deflects half damage done to merc

Kolto overload- can be used during stun

Kolto dart- heals one tick of half you currently healed

Super charge- increases DR by 10%


These are just a few ideas i had in mind for mercs. I'd give away a ton of our utility's for at least one of these. If you have any other ideas please share. Keep in mind some of the these are for different specs not all so dont cry OP because mercs are in need of some kind of buff.


P.s. still scratching my head to why our only root is a melee let alone a utility we have to take...


  • Electronet- target cant no perform stealth, immunities, or Regen
    Already keeps stealth classes from escaping. Id rather see this progressively slow the target to a snare, so lets say you cast Electro Net and it slows them for like (5) seconds. If they keep moving, it refreshes the duration and on refresh it slows them an additional (X%), If it refreshes a (3rd) time or so, all remaining damage it would have dealt is dealt, and it roots the target in place for 2-3 seconds maybe. Something like that.
  • Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps
    I don't really see the need in this since the immobilize of Force Leap wont even affect you when they jump and you will already be away from the Jug when he lands.
  • Death from above (idea taken by ThrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast
    Cool idea but not sure how it would work on Commando's. Also, is it really melee classes that are giving Commando's problems? I asked this in another thread but never got a reply. On my Commando, I handle melee classes just fine because I don't stand there while they beat on me. I use this analogy: I don't go into the ocean and expect to fight a Shark fair. The shark shouldn't expect to come onto land and fight me fair. In otherwords, if melee are on you you need to kite lol. Ive seen so many bad mando's just stand still and take the beating, in the shark's territory. Your territory is range, so keep range.
  • Electro dart- now roots enemies till it explodes
    Not sure what you mean by Electro Dart but Ill assume Sticky Grenade, and I don't think its necessary with some of these other ideas you posted. Though, it may be an interesting idea to cause Sticky Grenade detonation to apply Electro Net to all targets hit by the detonation, if the detonation initially hit a target already under the effects of Electro Net. Additionally causes Sticky Grenade to detonate on impact while below 50% health. This would be an AoE snare/hinder for Commando's and would probably fix the "being focused" problem. Electro Net and Sticky Grenade damage would have to be scaled down a little bit.
  • Rocket punch- knocks target back (old school style and no more root)
    Id like to see this removed for Commando's altogether. I think the only reason its still here is so that Commando healers have 1 little thing to tie them to be the "frontline medic." Id say give all Commando's a passive that makes 1 of these knock back a target (X) meters if they are within 10m of you: Either High Impact Bolt/Mag Bolt, Full Auto/Boltstorm, or Explosive Round. Personally Id prefer it to be Explosive Round. It just has that little "oomph" that makes it look like it would knock a target back. Give it a proc rate of once every 12-15 seconds or so.
  • Energy shield- deflects half damage done to merc
    No reason for this, you aren't a Jedi that just deflects stuff with force powers and lightsabers so Id rather see something that fits the theme of the "Trooper." Think of your Commando of having a "toolkit" specifically for the theme of that class.
  • Kolto overload- can be used during stun
    I feel like this should be baseline for both Commando's and Vanguard's. An adrenaline rush doesn't usually build up over time, it happens all of a sudden when you most need it.
  • Kolto dart- heals one tick of half you currently healed
    Not sure what you mean here.
  • Super charge- increases DR by 10%
    Not sure how necessary this would be considering the only real problem people complain about is "being focused" and 10% damage reduction on a mechanic you use rotationally doesn't really help under focus fire.

Edited by KnightTyler
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  • Electronet- target cant no perform stealth, immunities, or Regen
    Already keeps stealth classes from escaping. Id rather see this progressively slow the target to a snare, so lets say you cast Electro Net and it slows them for like (5) seconds. If they keep moving, it refreshes the duration and on refresh it slows them an additional (X%), If it refreshes a (3rd) time or so, all remaining damage it would have dealt is dealt, and it roots the target in place for 2-3 seconds maybe. Something like that.
  • Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps
    I don't really see the need in this since the immobilize of Force Leap wont even affect you when they jump and you will already be away from the Jug when he lands.
  • Death from above (idea taken by ThrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast
    Cool idea but not sure how it would work on Commando's. Also, is it really melee classes that are giving Commando's problems? I asked this in another thread but never got a reply. On my Commando, I handle melee classes just fine because I don't stand there while they beat on me. I use this analogy: I don't go into the ocean and expect to fight a Shark fair. The shark shouldn't expect to come onto land and fight me fair. In otherwords, if melee are on you you need to kite lol. Ive seen so many bad mando's just stand still and take the beating, in the shark's territory. Your territory is range, so keep range.
  • Electro dart- now roots enemies till it explodes
    Not sure what you mean by Electro Dart but Ill assume Sticky Grenade, and I don't think its necessary with some of these other ideas you posted. Though, it may be an interesting idea to cause Sticky Grenade detonation to apply Electro Net to all targets hit by the detonation, if the detonation initially hit a target already under the effects of Electro Net. Additionally causes Sticky Grenade to detonate on impact while below 50% health. This would be an AoE snare/hinder for Commando's and would probably fix the "being focused" problem. Electro Net and Sticky Grenade damage would have to be scaled down a little bit.
  • Rocket punch- knocks target back (old school style and no more root)
    Id like to see this removed for Commando's altogether. I think the only reason its still here is so that Commando healers have 1 little thing to tie them to be the "frontline medic." Id say give all Commando's a passive that makes 1 of these knock back a target (X) meters if they are within 10m of you: Either High Impact Bolt/Mag Bolt, Full Auto/Boltstorm, or Explosive Round. Personally Id prefer it to be Explosive Round. It just has that little "oomph" that makes it look like it would knock a target back. Give it a proc rate of once every 12-15 seconds or so.
  • Energy shield- deflects half damage done to merc
    No reason for this, you aren't a Jedi that just deflects stuff with force powers and lightsabers so Id rather see something that fits the theme of the "Trooper." Think of your Commando of having a "toolkit" specifically for the theme of that class.
  • Kolto overload- can be used during stun
    I feel like this should be baseline for both Commando's and Vanguard's. An adrenaline rush doesn't usually build up over time, it happens all of a sudden when you most need it.
  • Kolto dart- heals one tick of half you currently healed
    Not sure what you mean here.
  • Super charge- increases DR by 10%
    Not sure how necessary this would be considering the only real problem people complain about is "being focused" and 10% damage reduction on a mechanic you use rotationally doesn't really help under focus fire.

I happy you took the time to give my ideas a nice review but this post was made so people can change or create more ideas

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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I'm sorry but the majority of these complaints and buff ideas i see are for pvp. They cannot balance it, it's impossible, without breaking pve. They could add something like, this does such and such in pve and then does this in pvp. But I suppose that would be a lot to add on top of everything.

So that's my suggestion, you can't fix one without breaking the other. Split the skills to do different things in both pve and pvp. :) Guild wars did this, and it was pretty successful.

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Another one guys...


Death from above (idea by TyrellJonez)- immune to all melee during the cast


Kolto overload- can be used during stun


These are just a few ideas i had in mind for mercs. I'd give away a ton of our utility's for at least one of these. If you have any other ideas please share. Keep in mind some of the these are for different specs not all so dont cry OP because mercs are in need of some kind of buff.


P.s. still scratching my head to why our only root is a melee let alone a utility we have to take...


I fully support these two. They do not effect PvE and would greatly help our class for pvp.

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I'm sorry but the majority of these complaints and buff ideas i see are for pvp. They cannot balance it, it's impossible, without breaking pve. They could add something like, this does such and such in pve and then does this in pvp. But I suppose that would be a lot to add on top of everything.

So that's my suggestion, you can't fix one without breaking the other. Split the skills to do different things in both pve and pvp. :) Guild wars did this, and it was pretty successful.


Hmm you do have a point but NPCs are not human... Does PVE really matter that much? Would one simple range root on a merc do so much damage in PVE? I'm no Pver so I honestly can say for sure. However I'd like more input maybe we can find balance some how.

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Hmm you do have a point but NPCs are not human... Does PVE really matter that much? Would one simple range root on a merc do so much damage in PVE? I'm no Pver so I honestly can say for sure. However I'd like more input maybe we can find balance some how.


Not really. Since tipical PVE target is raid boss, CC is rarely useful (on some adds maybe). And survivability was never balanced before 3.0 and looks like it stays that way. So as long as you don't buff damage, don't add insane mobility and don't take away useful PVE utilities, it should be OK

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Not really. Since tipical PVE target is raid boss, CC is rarely useful (on some adds maybe). And survivability was never balanced before 3.0 and looks like it stays that way. So as long as you don't buff damage, don't add insane mobility and don't take away useful PVE utilities, it should be OK


Well besides the other guy thinking the explosive dart as a range root is too OP I beg to differ. Having a melee root as a ranged class rubs me the wrong way. Besides that I feel the death from above should also be considered. None of those would have a negetive affect on pve. I'm not asking for anything tho I would really like people to come up with better ideas and we can bounce off each other.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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For healing, it feels like Kolto Bomb / Missile aoe's healing is significantly worse than before and they're trying to give us a lot more incentive to cast Medical Probe/Rapid Scan with the stacks to reduce to the cost of Adv Probe/Healing Scan (and also Charged Barrier if you spec into that). I'm fine with this change but it would help if Med Probe could also smart heal someone else within 8m of your target for 30% of what it heals its main target - when the whole group is taking damage Kolto Bomb really doesn't plug the damage like it used to and the *heroic* Utility for Concussion Charge PBaoe is not a big heal with these new 48k hp players. Successive Treatment is of course great but between Medical Probe + Hammershot heal (still can't remember its new name) we are very single target between Bombs and Treatment cooldowns


I have an idea for gunnery (pvp mostly) where the threat drop ability creates a visible 5m radius forcefield around you and no enemy can enter inside it, as long as they were not inside the 5m already. This shouldn't be another aoe knockback, rather used after the knockback or pre-emptively if you see a warrior about to leap to you, meaning that timing is upto the player and adds an element of skill to using it correctly. It shouldn't last long and you can't move with it. Sometimes the merc/mando just has to plant roots to cast some Grav round/Tracers, no point pretending we are fully mobile, embrace your tree roots! :D

Edited by Cotlu-Hunlon
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Reactive Shield absorbs 50% of damage dealt to you. Maybe extend its duration to 18 seconds. Would make our only def CD into a somewhat useful one.


And gotta say, I like these ideas

Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps

Rocket punch- knocks target back (if only for the old school feel I miss so much)

Kolto overload- can be used during stun


Would help greatly if they gave us back Kolto Missile, too bad it's not happening anytime soon

Edited by BenitsubasaChiyo
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Most of these ideas are only for versus melee. Most of the defenses they already have are for versus melee. Won't help them at all versus ranged. Electro net doesn't need buffed (it already prevents stealth and escapes and high movement abilities). Merc survivability shouldn't be tied to that ability. Some universal buff versus ranged and melee would be more helpful. Something like:


Instead of reflecting damage on energy shield, a utility could be taken that heals them on damage while energy shield is active. Fits better with their healing abilities. This would also help more in a focus situation than reflecting damage would. The more they are focused the better it becomes. Would be like a hybrid energy shield, kolto shell. Kolto overload on stun would be good. This would work versus melee and ranged. Would discourage people from focusing them down while shield is active and give them time to dish out damage. This would be a bit much on healers though.

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I happy you took the time to give my ideas a nice review but this post was made so people can change or create more ideas


I did include changes and suggestions if you read what I posted lol. Though I didn't offer any completely new "ideas" I have some thoughts on my notepad but they aren't quite ready to be discussed yet. I did offer suggestions centered around what your ideas were though.

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Most of these ideas are only for versus melee. Most of the defenses they already have are for versus melee. Won't help them at all versus ranged. Electro net doesn't need buffed (it already prevents stealth and escapes and high movement abilities). Merc survivability shouldn't be tied to that ability. Some universal buff versus ranged and melee would be more helpful. Something like:


Instead of reflecting damage on energy shield, a utility could be taken that heals them on damage while energy shield is active. Fits better with their healing abilities. This would also help more in a focus situation than reflecting damage would. The more they are focused the better it becomes. Would be like a hybrid energy shield, kolto shell. Kolto overload on stun would be good. This would work versus melee and ranged. Would discourage people from focusing them down while shield is active and give them time to dish out damage. This would be a bit much on healers though.


Ya that shield idea sounds great

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I did include changes and suggestions if you read what I posted lol. Though I didn't offer any completely new "ideas" I have some thoughts on my notepad but they aren't quite ready to be discussed yet. I did offer suggestions centered around what your ideas were though.


Ya your right i read it over again. It just the way I read it at first have me the feel it was a huge review lmao

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I think if you just made Mercs/Mandos immune to stuns/roots/controls while hydraulic overrides is active, just like almost every other class has something along those lines. Also make shields absorb 50% of damage. Let Kolto Overrides be activated while stunned. That would be plenty right there. I know when I see a Merc or Mando hit hydraulic overrides you just hit them with a stun and they waste their ability. With all the stuns that classes have its a pretty useless ability.
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I think if you just made Mercs/Mandos immune to stuns/roots/controls while hydraulic overrides is active, just like almost every other class has something along those lines. Also make shields absorb 50% of damage. Let Kolto Overrides be activated while stunned. That would be plenty right there. I know when I see a Merc or Mando hit hydraulic overrides you just hit them with a stun and they waste their ability. With all the stuns that classes have its a pretty useless ability.


Not to mention the sins 12sec immunity to anything... Makes our 12sec 25% DR a joke

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