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Fleet Datacron Run


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Souls of Fate is hosting a Server Wide run of the Republic Fleet Datacron.



Saturday December 27th 2014 starting at 7pm/1900 EST - approximately 8:30pm/2030 EST



Republic Fleet


What you need:

A toon that needs the Fleet +10 Datacron


People will be in place to make this a quick and painless run for all who wish to attend.

You can whisper any member of Souls of Fate for an invite to the group. I'll bump this thread a few times before the event.


Donations and tips are appreciated, but not required.


We will advertise in Gen Chat on Fleet when we begin our run and invite players to the Ops group. Feel free to send an in game email to Maya'rae, anytime between now and the run, if you are interested in running.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Souls of Fate!

Edited by RiVaN_
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I would like to give a HUGE thanks to all those who came out for the fleet Datacron Run and our Bonus run as well. We had a steady stream of players being pulled up for the both Datacrons. We Plan to do a similar run for the Imp Side Datacrons in the very near future.


Thank you JC community!

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