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Looking to buy RD-07A Viper Helmet


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As the title says, I'm looking to buy the RD-07A Viper Helmet. If you've got one you'd like to sell let me know.


Also, its been about 3 years since I played but orange pieces don't seen to drop from enemies outside of flashpoints at all anymore. Does this piece even still drop or am I just that unlucky?


Edit: I guess posting my character name would be helpful for those looking to sell. You can find me as Ansler on the Republic side or Kybeck on the Imperial side.

Edited by Ansler
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Just a suggestion for you while you're waiting for someone to contact you. Try mobs/lockboxes on Balmorra (Republic), Quesh, and Hoth. Thats the area/level range this item drops from. If you're level 60 you should be able to steam roll those planets searching for it and probably have a good shot at doing so. I'll keep my eyes open for one though. Good luck!


- Hayete

Edited by Bahadori
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Well that is where TOR Fashion says the Viper pieces drop but I'm wondering if that information is out of date. I have a feeling that when the game went free to play they severely reduced orange drops from world enemies. With the only information I've been able to find on the piece dropping being no newer than 2 years old, I fear this may be a sisyphean task. Edited by Ansler
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Unless you are looking, specifically, for that piece there is a similar looking eye patch available from a vendor in the Cartel Market hanger on fleet.


I don't remember if it requires an amount of rep to buy it or not.

I have farmed that adds on Balmorra for a specific Jedi Knight piece that is supposed to drop in the same area and haven't seen anything other than greens and few other pieces.

Next time I'm out that way I'll see if it drops. If I get it I'll get in touch with you. If you get it let me know, I'd like to see if my Knight piece will drop from the same area.

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The piece you're talking about is the Enforcer's Eyeguard and unfortunately it requires outsider standing with the Contraband Resale Corp. As for your Jedi Knight piece, let me know what it is and I can keep an eye out for it.
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Well with the contraband packs going up on the Cartel market for the Holidays I was able to get the required rep for the Enforcer's Eyeguard so I no longer need the Viper Helmet. If I do happen to see your chest piece I'll let you know though.
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