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Legacy Stronghold Storage items did not transfer across servers


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Hello, I had at first submitted a customer service ticket (# 14631763) regarding my issue and the reply was to submit a bug report which I have done. I am also posting it here in case others that have this issue can post about it in one thread.


About three (3) weeks ago now I transferred all of my characters from the Jedi Covenant server to the Harbinger server. At the time I was busy getting ready for finals and some big changes at work and did not have the time to thoroughly check my account after the transfer.


Everything transferred over except the items in my legacy stronghold storage ( I had all of my crafting materials, some legacy gear, a complete set of Jedi Temple Guardian armor (I think that's the proper name) ), and some miscellaneous pre-fab kits for stronghold decorations. ). Below I will list the steps I took prior to the transfer of my characters.


#1 I made sure I had no missions pending

#2 I made sure I had no items in the GTN

#3 I made sure I had no items in the mail

#4 I unset all decorations in my stronghold (without emptying the cargo hold or legacy stronghold storage)

#5 I transferred my characters


So if you or anyone else that you know has a similar issue please get them to post in this thread and hopefully a fix can be implemented soon.

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