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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3 million credits.


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Craft or gather materials; sell them on the GTN. If you're a subscriber buy some of the items that come out (eg. the seasonal ones after checking the market to see what's currently hot) or buy packs with your Cartel Coin monthly allowance and sell them there.


If you're going to craft look to see what's profitable and sell that. If the price of what you're crafting falls below the price of the materials used to craft it sell the materials instead.


If you're just going to gather materials and sell them then if you're logged in level 2 and 3 gathering missions should give you the most profit per time spent gathering. It can be distracting to always resend the companions all the time for the really low level missions but level 3 and 4 missions shouldn't be too much of a problem. When you decide what you would like to gather take a look at what can be used for Conquest materials first as they're more likely to be high in demand.


If you see something that's underpriced (eg. a material selling for 250 per unit that normally sells for 1,000) buy it and relist it at the higher price.


Also, keep in mind markets change so you'll have to monitor the GTN to see what's happening there. If you pvp all the time park out by the GTN and look at it between warzone pops. As well, there is a lot of information about trends and some good guides in the crew skills section if you haven't read them yet.

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