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Specific Help (Watchman Sent)... I feel like I am missing a lot.


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I feel like I am doing about everything that has been suggested on the forums so far... but still the damage output feels lack luster to say the least. I know there are a lot of posts so far, but I am making a new one for some specific help in my own situation.


My opener:


FL > > ZS > OS > CA > MS > Master Strike > FM > TST


After that my priority is:


MS, OS, CA on CD... then basically fillers (Master Strike, TST, Slash, etc).


After the opener I am "only" popping FM when it gets the 4 stack proc from MS. And I am not clippng CA.


My gearing is 100/110 Accuracy, 4280 STR, 22.82 Critical Chace, 116 Critical Rating and all STR augements.


After all of that, I am averaging 4-4100 Damage. I have heard others (especially Elethon!) say he had a 4500 parse so far... so that makes me feel like I am really missing something crucial in there somewhere...


I don't post on the board very often, but I am so open to suggestions I felt I would give it a try. I appreciate your input.

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Thanks again Ard... you are the glue for most of us who are determined to stay with our beloved Sentinel! I truly appreciate it.


Another side note... I was sooooo looking forward to actually PVPing with my Sentinel in 3.0 as well, but had to shelf the idea and went with my Mando instead. Interesting, my Mando isn't nearly as geared as my Sent but it out DPS'ed my sent by about 400K in the WZ, and I could survive MUCH longer. That is such a downer for me. :(

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My opener:

FL > > ZS > OS > CA > MS > Master Strike > FM > TST

After that my priority is:

MS, OS, CA on CD... then basically fillers (Master Strike, TST, Slash, etc).

After the opener I am "only" popping FM when it gets the 4 stack proc from MS. And I am not clippng CA.





Ok I must not be very good at this, but I never FL unless I have to get to a far off foe. Maybe I should do that more.

My opener is always a high damage and stun.

I will Disable any droid in the pack or just run in and Awe the pack if grouped close enough. Sometimes I save Awe for all of them to attack me.

So my rotation is to keep Zen going as much as possible, Master Strike, Slash, Leg Slash and then rotate my throws like Saber throw and dispatch, but never saber throw into a mob you will unfreeze everyone.


Then its a matter of stacking and Zen, Master Strike, Slash, ZS, and dispatch as often as I can.

In a pinch the last resort is to Force Stasis to interrupt and hold off for a bit or Force Kick when I see the channeling bar.

I have Merciless Slash which is on top of my rotation along with Master Strike. Probably my two main rotating hits and I always.. always always have Zen going, and if I have zen and VC I will VC and use Inspiration to get some help from healers.




I will add that Golds are no match for me, I can consistently take down a gold at my level, or stronger golds at a little lower levels. My bounty hunter missions this past week were all successful but only if I had Doc with me.

Edited by Rawbee
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Force Leap is a very valuable addition to your rotation, because it will grant you 3 focus right out of the gate, plus depending on the enemy, will stun them for a brief time. I use FL constantly during my rotation to gain focus, and to interrupt the target if need be. I'm not parsing as high as some, but i'm consistent around 3.8K in mostly optimized 186's, with a few 192 pieces scattered about
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