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What do you get when you cross an Arcane Mage with an Assault Cannon?


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Apparently, you get the Boltstorm animation. I can't be the only one who absolutely hates it, right? And I've tried to like it, I really have. But it just looks over-the-top goofy, and depending on the range your enemy's at, it can look absurdly comical. I'm sure I'm not the only one who, upon seeing the new Full Auto replacement was named "Boltsorm," thought, "Cool! I'm going to be mowing down my enemies with a veritable tornado of high-velocity slugs!" Instead, I've been relegated to tickling them to death with swirly, loopy magical hippie bullets.


And on a related note, since we're stuck with said swirling, magical hippie bullets as Gunnery's defining attack for at least the time being, does anyone else feel that the some of our other abilities are feeling a little "puny" these days? If we're going to have the ridiculously garish LOLstorm foisted on us, can't we at least get some consistency across the board? Vortex Bolt, a secondary proc-enaber, is bigger and flashier than Demo Round, one of our defining and heaviest-hitting attacks. And High Impact Bolt, the perennial pipsqueak of abilities, has been comparitavely reduced in gravitas to the status of "popcorn fart."


Is this really the best you can do, BW?

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I cannot agree with the OP more about Boltstorm's animation. I think the biggest problem isn't even the wacky arcing side bolts so much as it is the apparently lack of velocity of the bolts makes it look more like you're spraying a light mist of off-colored particles rather than drilling into your target with an assault.


Plus, at least with the blood-red color crystal, the color mapping is such that the bolts themselves just don't look as intense... instead of the white-hot core surrounded by a red halo, they're a dull orange with a big red halo that makes them look more like dying embers than blaster bolts.


The net result has been that I'm still using Full Auto because it actually looks good. Unless you're pulling progression raids or PVP (and I do neither), you're talking about losing not even 1k damage over the course of a three second channel that you're only firing off every eight+ seconds... so MAYBE a couple hundred off your average dps.


To not have to look at boltstorm, losing a couple hundred DPS is worth it to me (I had enough comms saved to deck myself out in full 186 gear the moment I hit 60 which is MORE than enough to make up for the lack of boltstorm in any of the non-Ops/PVP content in the game. Its certainly more viable than using a rifle as a commando for concept reasons (in this case you're only dinging one ability, not everything) and if I DO end up doing something where I have to be at my best, I can just swap boltstorm in during that one mission since it behaves the same mechanically as full auto except for the damage.

Edited by SiegePro
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i cannot agree with the op more about boltstorm's animation. I think the biggest problem isn't even the wacky arcing side bolts so much as it is the apparently lack of velocity of the bolts makes it look more like you're spraying a light mist of off-colored particles rather than drilling into your target with an assault.


stay back or i'll spritz you!

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