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Dr Ogurobb and sprint lost


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I have lost my Dr Ogurobb trainer after I have implemented the disciplines (right after the patch 3.0 was released) on 2nd December.

It is gone for good, I desperately searched in ANY possible place (legacy tab, pets, vehicles, abilities and what not) - he's GONE.

The same way I lost my "sprint" ability. Cannot seem to see it anywhere.


Strange, it ONLY concerns my main character that is Jedi Shadow. All the others kept it.

I filed in game bug report - only to receive "the closure" with no solution whatsoever.


Any idea how to restore those 2?



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You should be able to reclaim it from your Collections.


Open your inventory window, click on the Collections button underneath the inventory tab. You will see a REALLY long scroll list of categories. Scroll down until you see this:



X% Toys

X% Cartel Market

X% Special

X% Events


X is the percentage of items you have unlocked as a percentage of items that are possible to unlock in that category. As of this writing, you will find toys between the Shipment 6 Shadow Packs listing and the Shipment 1 Cartel Packs listing--you will need to scroll down quite a bit.


Click on the X% Special line under the Toys category.


It should bring up a window with 8 items displayed, some of which are probably greyed out. Bright items are those you've unlocked or can unlock from another character with CC; grey items are not yet unlocked to your collections. One of the 8 items should be "Hutt Trainer." Assuming you do have it unlocked, there will be a button on the lower left of the Hutt Trainer icon that you can click on to transfer a copy of that item to your inventory.


Do so, and you should get a replacement Hutt trainer statute, and you've taken your first lesson in how to use the Collections system in the process. :)

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You should be able to reclaim it from your Collections.


Open your inventory window, click on the Collections button underneath the inventory tab. You will see a REALLY long scroll list of categories. Scroll down until you see this:



X% Toys

X% Cartel Market

X% Special

X% Events


X is the percentage of items you have unlocked as a percentage of items that are possible to unlock in that category. As of this writing, you will find toys between the Shipment 6 Shadow Packs listing and the Shipment 1 Cartel Packs listing--you will need to scroll down quite a bit.


Click on the X% Special line under the Toys category.


It should bring up a window with 8 items displayed, some of which are probably greyed out. Bright items are those you've unlocked or can unlock from another character with CC; grey items are not yet unlocked to your collections. One of the 8 items should be "Hutt Trainer." Assuming you do have it unlocked, there will be a button on the lower left of the Hutt Trainer icon that you can click on to transfer a copy of that item to your inventory.


Do so, and you should get a replacement Hutt trainer statute, and you've taken your first lesson in how to use the Collections system in the process. :)



Indeed I use that feature extremely rarely, ..there is always something you learn, every day...

thx again!

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Indeed I use that feature extremely rarely, ..there is always something you learn, every day...

thx again!


You're welcome. It can be confusing (especially at first!) as some categories seem to be duplicate, which is why I took the time to give all the details. There's more than one line for "Toys," for example....


Edit: I forgot to check up on Sprint last night, but you will have to put it back somewhere on your quickbar from the Abilities window. Open your abilities (the page that lists all of them by category). Sprint should be somewhere under General if I'm not mistaken--but I'm not logged into the game right now. You can drag and drop it into your quickbar, assuming your quickbar isn't locked.

Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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