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[PVP] Yavin 4 Start Area is not Sanctuary, most of Oricon is still Republic Area


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For some reason the starting area on Yavin 4 is not Sanctuary, and is not defended by any NPCs. This allows players to place Stealth Detects or AoEs at the Medical Droid without any opposition, so reviving players have pretty much no chance of leaving the starting area. As much as PvP is about killing the players of the other faction this seems a tad too aggressive.


Oricon also seems to be like 95% Republic Area, with the DF/DP and Empire Strike Base being the only exceptions. This makes it impossible for Imperial players to attack Reps on most of Oricon.

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They have barely fixed anything in one week. This is a joke.


One thing is how much/little they have fixed, but it doesnt seem like they're even recognizing this as an issue (it's not in Known Issues of what I can see).

Edited by MFollin
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Don't get me wrong, I'm all for PvP but when you can't even get in or on a planet cause 10-20 Imps are constantly killing you instantly over and over because they are camping the location where you spawn, its very exasperating.


It's also illogical considering the Imp and Rep outposts throughout Yavin 4 are protected with a couple of Champion NPCs while the starting area has zero protection.

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It's also illogical considering the Imp and Rep outposts throughout Yavin 4 are protected with a couple of Champion NPCs while the starting area has zero protection.


Even the entrance of the Temple of Sacrifice operation is a sanctuary. If the landing area was intended to allow PvP why would they protect the entrance of the op on the other hand? Hence the landing area is also supposed to be a sanctuary.

Edited by demotivator
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