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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The way I finally beat Revan. Very unorthodox.


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I revived on the spot about 2 times after he defeated me. The 3rd time their were no orbs. Lot of chokes and knockbacks though. I only attacked him when I was at, or near full health. In other words I didn't draw agro. When I was healthy I poured on the damage. I used kicks a lot to interrupt him too, when I would think about it. Your party members do a lot of damage too. I stayed in range of whomever was sending out the heals when my health went down.
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I revived on the spot about 2 times after he defeated me. The 3rd time their were no orbs. Lot of chokes and knockbacks though. I only attacked him when I was at, or near full health. In other words I didn't draw agro. When I was healthy I poured on the damage. I used kicks a lot to interrupt him too, when I would think about it. Your party members do a lot of damage too. I stayed in range of whomever was sending out the heals when my health went down.


The way I defeated Revan was to make sure I was at lvl 60 with as much lvl 60 gear my commendations would purchase. I engaged the battle and suffered knock backs but due to a bug in the system Revan would phase out. I didn't chase him. I held my ground and let him attack me then my sentinel unleased hell. He phased out again and others in the group began to deplete his health. I continued to hold my ground and waited for him to attack me again. Finally his health got so low he couldn't phase out then I attacked and defeated him. Got my title as Jedi Battlemaster. Don't know if the fixes in 3.0a changed this strategy. :csw_bluesaber:

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I beat Revan as a 59 Bounty Hunter with Maeko. I had on the standard demolisher gear from the missions and my companion had level 55 gear so nothing special. The key to the entire thing is to release your team as soon as Revan pins them to outer areas spinning with the force. Go stand in the blue orb till it creates a force field around you and then run out to those of your team that have blue circles under their spinning bodies. That releases them. Then go stand in the red orb to grab that force field to release team members that are spinning with the purple circle under them.Run as fast as you can once you have that orbs force field to the corresponding circle under the spinning team member. Stand there till it explodes and releases them. Make sure that once you stand in an orb and have that orbs force field around you, that you dont run through the other color orb. It destroys the field and knocks you over. Always just grab one and run and release then the other run and release. Repeat with correct colors. By doing this I never died once because you are getting the team back in the fight really fast. Fight and keep him away from the healers. We took out Revan in two rounds of those force field spinning episodes. If you dont do this it is a pain and you die alot. Edited by VegasNemesis
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I beat Revan by offering him a Coke and Smile.

As he was taken a back by my offer and returned, said smile as i tossed him the bottle of coke. Intensely he gazed at me as he popped the cap off the bottle. He looks down into the bottle to see the Sugary brown liquid rippling from middle to outer rim. With out another ounce of hesitation, he began to guzzle the coke. As he lost, all sense of his awareness. I extracted my Saber hilt from my side, and plummeted it, in and upward of his rib cage and turned that baby ON. Just to watch his face light up in a Burst, from the intense heat of the purple saber beam. With that came the most unique, as well as , a Beautiful splatter of, Crimson, exploding into the air of GLORIES, Victory......


As i turned and walked away from Revans headless corpse, i proceed to reach into my back pack and pulled out a bottle of Pepsi and thought. " What a fool, everyone knows? NO COKE, PEPSI!!!."


'Pepsi, It Rules the Galaxy......'

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I already had 186 gear with my Concealment Operative. The fight was so easy I considered it a bit of a let down. Obviously designed for lesser gear.


Enjoyed the story though. Look forward to where it heads now. Also gave me some great ideas for our Star Wars Saga rog game set in this timeline.

Edited by Tamanous
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about a 3rd of the way into the fight revan pins all allys to the rocks, there are 2 balls in the ring, a red and blue. if u notice the rings under youre allies are purple and blue. run through a red ball then to an ally with a purple ring, then the blue ball for the blue ring allies. other than making sure to free youre allies you should have proper gear from class missions to beat revan. Edited by jefffaith
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about a 3rd of the way into the fight revan pins all allys to the rocks, there are 2 balls in the ring, a red and blue. if u notice the rings under youre allies are purple and blue. run through a red ball then to an ally with a purple ring, then the blue ball for the blue ring allies. other than making sure to free youre allies you should have proper gear from class missions to beat revan.


This thread is old. When the fight first launched the fight would often bug over and over. There was no orbs in the bugged fight.

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This thread is old. When the fight first launched the fight would often bug over and over. There was no orbs in the bugged fight.


Wouldn't it be impossible to finish the fight at all without orbs? Or did he not used to go into invincible mode when he pinned all the NPC's?


Or is his phase just on a really long timer? It genuinely took me like five minutes to figure out how to release people the first time I fought him. At first I figured it was just a timer thing, so I just sort of ran around waiting and attacking him. Then I noticed the orbs and thought maybe you had to put them on and run at him to break his shield, that obviously didn't work. I finally figured it out by complete accident when I happened to have a bubble on and ran over to see if there was something I was supposed to interact with where the npc's were being pinned. :p

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Wouldn't it be impossible to finish the fight at all without orbs? Or did he not used to go into invincible mode when he pinned all the NPC's?


Or is his phase just on a really long timer? It genuinely took me like five minutes to figure out how to release people the first time I fought him. At first I figured it was just a timer thing, so I just sort of ran around waiting and attacking him. Then I noticed the orbs and thought maybe you had to put them on and run at him to break his shield, that obviously didn't work. I finally figured it out by complete accident when I happened to have a bubble on and ran over to see if there was something I was supposed to interact with where the npc's were being pinned. :p


Sometimes when you'd die when the fight bugged. If you re-spawned? There's a lucky instance where he would do the orbs and after the first respawn he wouldn't do them again. He'd skip them completely letting you just fight it out. So the fight would bug, preventing progress, then bug and let you finish it with the bug. Confusing but needless to say the fight was REALLY buggy.

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Wouldn't it be impossible to finish the fight at all without orbs? Or did he not used to go into invincible mode when he pinned all the NPC's?


Or is his phase just on a really long timer? It genuinely took me like five minutes to figure out how to release people the first time I fought him. At first I figured it was just a timer thing, so I just sort of ran around waiting and attacking him. Then I noticed the orbs and thought maybe you had to put them on and run at him to break his shield, that obviously didn't work. I finally figured it out by complete accident when I happened to have a bubble on and ran over to see if there was something I was supposed to interact with where the npc's were being pinned. :p


What happened during the bugged encounter was that he grabbed everyone like he does now, but he didn't bubble. Instead, he'd CC everyone, then continue his damage directly after.. Without the heals and buffs from Satele / Lana, you'd be zerged in < 3 seconds because he hits for 9-18k.

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