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Foestopper Gear


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Can anyone tell why this gear is not at the commendation vendor?Is it intentional to delete the gear altogether and if so can someone point me to a link concerning this.Also IF this is the case why just leave the Off-Hand light saber for the foestopper gear there.Why was this also done to cunning as well and not to those gears based off willpower and aim as well?Please answer these question or point me to a link if you can thank you.
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The foestopper gear was more power based than critical and thats how I used to get the extra based power.I used to get my critical off the earpiece and implants.But basically what I am asking is foestopper gear gone for good? Edited by DragoMusevini
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There has been no thread about comms gear from vendors, so it's just guesswork. As I said, though, I am quite certain it's done to make it easier for everyone which gear to choose. It's adaptive gear, so it's clearly something done with intent from BW's side. They want maras and jugg dps to know exactly which gear they are meant to have. I suppose the foestopper offhand is there to differentiate and make obvious it's for marauders. The name may simply be a relic of the past.


Now, this is all guesswork. They may simply have forgotten to add the foestopper gear, and it will be added when the next patch hits.

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