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Wolf of rishi


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The title is real, but like most of SoR it is bugged. I earned the title {and still have it}, but cannot find the achievements anywhere on my screen. Much like the bugged out Nar Shadaa Nightlife stuff...have the "The Unlucky" title for blowing up a machine, but a few patches back went from 295/295 to 35/295 for no reason {like a lot of folks}. Not sure of the cause, but there are certainly some integrity issues with the game remembering anything anymore {not new to SoR}.


Also the datacrons associated with killing the 3 beasts {just the first several hours of the task lol} are broken. They do not behave like the previous 69, act like trivial codices in that they grant the basic 45xp, add nothing to your codex screen and grant no stats. Basically the SoR launched with this incomplete like a few other things sadly. It should be noted that after hours of play time {+/- depending on luck...for me it was more than 5 hours to kill all 3} you can get all the way to the final rock you have to click and it cannot be clicked...so everything you did up to that point is lost/wasted.


For the most part I really liked this expansion, but issues like this are really killing the enjoyments. Most incomplete and broken expansion for the game to date in my personal experience. I still like it better than 2.0 overall, but with The Shadowlands basically breaking yesterday coupled with Revan and time sinks that lead nowhere I am very disappointed.

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