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Some Bugs:


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[DAILY] A Tray of Light: the light beams move a couple of meters from where it was right in the moment you use the binoculars, making it impossible to get


[FLASHPOINT] Blood Hunt: when facing Mandalorian Champions, they might stay on top and don't come down again unless u all die, suicide, /stuck


Some Items, when RE'd (Black Hole items) give a message of ERROR: No reverse engineering information for item "NAMEITEM". Gives ERROR plus nothing else, item lost (destroyed and no materials in exchange)



Jungle's Bounty: After collecting the 3 meat, the tree is not spawning on 12 out of 13 instances.... Please fix


Heart of Aggressor: (RHISHI) Once selected the Force-lord pack for ear piece and implant, when opening, it disappears and doe snot give anything in return.


Confederacy: (YAVIN 4)Once selected the Force-lord pack for ear piece and implant, when opening, it disappears and doe snot give anything in return.


When looting corpses, some times you get out of range when standing right on them


When attacking mobs, some NPCs suddenly move about 10-20m from where they were, and perform actions like they didn't move. Companions attack them where he was supposed to be, but you can't see him there, and where he moved your actions don't launch


Forcequake just produces once the quake sound, not each time dmg is dealt


Lag on the new areas

Edited by Echu
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Just bumped to state some things:


1) CS on SWTOR is a shame. Sorry but true

2) Education? Just given by answering some little words in here. Just 5 minutes or less would take

3) Won't bother gatherig info in the future. If something bugs, i'll just sit and wahtch the holw thing burn rofl


Have a nice day CS

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