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Marauder Annhilation/Sentinel Watchman 3.0 controls first impressions


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There's already threads on damage and defense rating. But, what I really miss the most is the old skill rotation combinations. Currently rollin a lvl 39 Marauder Annihilation and lvl 38 Sentinel Watchman so I don't have the end game build yet. However, the old system felt very involved and made the combat with Annihilation and Watchman builds entertaining (imo) due to the random chance to eliminate cool down on Rupture or trigger Retaliation even at lower levels. It added a little bit of luck into the formula and broke up an otherwise monotonous rotation the 3.0 update made.


Yes, I've heard Retaliation was not worth the rage it spent, but it could be used directly after another attack making it a perfect burst of damage to kill weak mobs. But, more importantly, it gave me something else to look out for in combat. I had to watch for both Rupture or Retaliation along with my regular rotation while fighting enemies. At it's best it flowed perfectly from mob to mob in fast bursts of damage with proper rage management.


But now, I just stare at the bar waiting for the general cool down to go away before I use another skill. Still enjoying spamming rupture to see my Marauder do a front-lip every second though....so I guess that's a plus?


Hopefully, I'm missing something that will make combat more engaging. But, from the looks of it, I'm just going to keep spamming my original rotation until I get closer to the new end game skills.



Want a more engaging combat system like prior 3.0, thoughts and opinions on new look and feel of combat for Annihilation and Watchman builds?

Edited by Rezorecta
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There's already threads on damage and defense rating. But, what I really miss the most is the old skill rotation combinations. Currently rollin a lvl 39 Marauder Annihilation and lvl 38 Sentinel Watchman so I don't have the end game build yet. However, the old system felt very involved and made the combat with Annihilation and Watchman builds entertaining (imo) due to the random chance to eliminate cool down on Rupture or trigger Retaliation even at lower levels. It added a little bit of luck into the formula and broke up an otherwise monotonous rotation the 3.0 update made.


Yes, I've heard Retaliation was not worth the rage it spent, but it could be used directly after another attack making it a perfect burst of damage to kill weak mobs. But, more importantly, it gave me something else to look out for in combat. I had to watch for both Rupture or Retaliation along with my regular rotation while fighting enemies. At it's best it flowed perfectly from mob to mob in fast bursts of damage with proper rage management.


But now, I just stare at the bar waiting for the general cool down to go away before I use another skill. Still enjoying spamming rupture to see my Marauder do a front-lip every second though....so I guess that's a plus?


Hopefully, I'm missing something that will make combat more engaging. But, from the looks of it, I'm just going to keep spamming my original rotation until I get closer to the new end game skills.



Want a more engaging combat system like prior 3.0, thoughts and opinions on new look and feel of combat for Annihilation and Watchman builds?


This is because now you have to WATCH for your dot that's why it's call watchman :) So you have to put all your dot on the target and watch everytime where there's one about to finish to put it again. And without CDs you can put it on several targets. It's more interesting I think ;)

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