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Shouldn't mara put out the best DPS among force users?


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How come in high level WZs, I almost never see mara topping DPS?


Typically, Sorc/Assassins top DPS. Sorcs often do massive heals + top DPS.


Compared to those, Mara is

1. squishy

2. less mobility

3. no stealth

4. no force pull/push

5. no ranged attack

6. less self-healing

Doesn't it only make sense that Mara at least does best DPS among force using classes? What gives?



I actually don't play mara. My main is republic shadow and imperial sorcerer. In few warzones I even topped both DPS and Heals, and I just found that ridiculous. Playing sorc, it's unbelievably easy to root sentinel/mara and hit them with ranged DOTs. I've had this one sentinel guy trying to kill me(i was heal specced at that time) for like full 2 min with no success until I ran out of allies to heal so I just killed him!


DPS should be always able to kill self-healing healer on 1vs1, let alone not dying vs healer on 1vs1. Sorcs can heal themselves while running, use force speed, automatic self healing, bubble, and use roots to hold down melee in one spots. I can't speak for non force classes because I haven't paid much attention, but I think mara are still the weakest force user as they were pre-3.0.


After 3.0 I see maras being placed below (almost always) sorcs and assassins, and sometimes even guardians do more damange on top of guarding they do. it's actually pitiful.


I was going to roll mara for 3.0 but they seem utterly weak.


Can mara/sentinel beat shadow/assassin on 1v1 with equal skill level(assuming not in stealth)? I think assassins would win. and if sot, why bother playing a melee class that loses to stealth class on a straight up fight?

Edited by Highsis
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1. squishy


Sentinels have plenty of defensive cooldowns and are far from squishy.


2. less mobility


Sentinels have roots breaks, speed boosts and the vast majority of their abilities are instant.


3. no stealth


Force Camo?


5. no hard CC


You do now!


7. no ranged attack


Twin Saber Throw?


Doesn't it only make sense that Mara at least does best DPS among force using classes?


Depends on the spec. Watchman and Serenity should be the highest, then Balance, Combat, Inflitration, the TK. That's per the devs; who said that it should go sustained melee, sustained ranged/burst Melee and finally burst ranged.

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I also think it shoulb be a "general difference" between ranged and melee classes. Melee classes "should" do a bit more dps (or burst) as ranged do. Because they need to get to the enemy. For ranged classes there´s mostly any possibility to hide, go up, go away, and so on. I know that its not that easy though to compare things. But:

One thing is in my mind these days:

Why do most ranged ppl more dps than i do ?


Why not play ranged and lean back ?


Edited by heizluefta
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