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Operative healing *le sigh*


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I do not agree with this. My raiding guild has gone 3/5 HM Rev and 3/5 HM TOS, both with a scoundrel healer (different healers, even, so it's not one super awesome scoundrel). Bringing 2 scoundrels/ops would not be the greatest idea, because our burst is low compared to other classes, but we do have solid tank buffs and great AoE healing.

Agree or not now everyone is trying to what zorzz did and asking for bh-troopers for pugs. Sadly we are in an era class>>talent for most players eye. While we kill that hm bosses we had only 1 trooper (mando heal) and 2 melee. it is easier with bh-trooper team since boss fights design fits them perfectly but more fun with different classes.

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l see people saying i did 7k hps on SM but

1-it was possible to do 7k hps pre 3.0 with spamming probes

2-you cant decide a class in sm or with hps

How many gcd do merc heals need to top a guy after load lifter in hm? 3-4

How many for OP healers? 4-6 and your energy will be very low also you will loose your kolto stacks and dont forget to pray he doesnt get a barrel while you heal since you dont have any intant heals or abilities to make your next heal instant

Operative/scoundrel are support heal classes now get used to your new role for new hm ops and dont try to be hero. Even our raid buff is joke. Most RNG dependant healer class gets %10 crit buff as raid utility. Yay even our raid buff is RNG.

lt was hard to pass raptus healer challenge with 2 operatives and if it was with this burst heal nerf it would be impossible.

Btw i was rejected for semi pug hm bulo since i said my healer is scoundrel (i had 5 hm boss kill with my scoundrel at that time). New rule for new hm pugs melee and op/scou are not allowed




Scoundrel healer, OPS leader, progressing via new HM content. Healing mostly with a sage partner.


7k on scoundrel pre 3.0? Probs with 16 precasts and the AOE heal you may maintain that number for 3-5 seconds :D You don't know what are you talking about. Just go back to 186 gear and do this number without using the new AOE. Use new stims, adrenals, get a 192 barrel even. Make 7k healing and upload a HM boss parse, really wanna see it.


In a mix of 192/198 in real fights (8M HMs) with all the movement involved my successful HM kills logs are showing about 6.5 HPS. EHPS is rarely more than 75%.


TL;DR A good healer will progress through HM OPS in SWTOR on any healer and class. It doesn't really matter, healers are balanced as well as tanks. The rest is L2P.

Edited by Kantalahir
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ATM I play all three healing classes in SM content (solo healing) and have successfully beat bosses in HM content (past the first two in rav/tos obviously not solo healing) and I manage to get all three classes into HM Walkers (and beat it) which is a pain in the behind to heal, mostly 192/198 with a bit of 186 gear, I have played all three classes since launch and have been in hardcore progressions guilds before. right now I would say BH is far ahead of the other two classes simple because its so dam easy to play and progressive scan is lolface. Sorcs are pretty beast in there own way, resurg + RM is kinda stupid good heals, sorc is my main class and always has been since tionese gear!!!!!!! operative is my second most played class, I can feel the hurt everyone feels when playing this at the moment, going from huge crits and a screen full of green to what we currently have which is bringing a water gun to a bazooka fight. My Op is has 8.25% alacrity and i still cry a little on the inside everytime have to stand like a derper and cast KI for almost 2 seconds then switch to my merc/sorc and literally run in circles around a dps in HM content because i never have to stop moving.


at the end of the day I think all classes are viable however I still think op needs to buff, my preference is low cast time on KI, no need to touch energy regen as I like the challenge, keep you dirty mits on my Kolto Wave.

Edited by scareon
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