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PvP Weekly bugged?


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Asked this in game and in the PvP forum with zero replies...also asked a couple times in game, but did not press it...just got no response. But when I roll up with any 55 it will not let them take anything but the daily {no mattr how long the toon has been idle or active of late}. There is no option to take the weekly.


I am not sure if I am just bugged or if it is something else and have not seen it mentioned by another. I was, however, able to hop on a lvl 43 and take both the daily and weekly no problem. So just curious if it is a known issue or I am just bugged. I suppose once I finish the marathon or toon hopping to get them "re-trained" etc I will try lvling 1 to 56 and try again...maybe that will kick it in gear.


Anyhow just curious if any other 55s went right to take the daily/weekly and had any issues. Thanks.

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Small update. On a hunch I hopped on yet another 55 {fresh log since patch} and did nothing but go right to PvP terminal and it let her take the daily and weekly. So I suspect it is something I am doing before going to the terminal that will not let them take the weekly. I have a lot of characters so have spent the day so far logging onto them, training, picking passives, going to my ship to take prelude from terminal, then heading to fleet and training crew skills, then to terminal.


While nothing I have done should halt my taking the fresh weekly this week...one or more of the steps is bugging that toon....so the bug is in there somewhere. Perhaps another here has a clue. Technically I did carefully delete a couple PvE weeklies like TFB and SnV etc, but that should not have any effect on taking the PvP weekly...but would not surprise me either. Suffice to say none of the toons I wanted the PvP weekly on had any old PvP missions running...they are all active did and turned in any PvP missions they had previous to the patch.



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