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Force Quake not working properly.


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Ok, I've tested it out and it does interrupt through the entire cast. That's great and that's the most important thing about this feature. It does only one loud screen shake and boom noise then is silent through the rest of the cast.


However, I've also noticed a new benefit to the way it works, and I actually kind of like it. You can place your cursor where you want the effect to happen, click once, BOOM, move your cursor to another area you want it to check, click once, BOOM, repeat over and over. It doesn't seem to cost any energy, my bar stays full. So I can essentially cover 5 to 6 times the area looking for stealthy's by clicking, boom, clicking boom.


So what if it doesn't go BOOM BOOM BOOM. It's actually better now.


For once, if it is a bug, I'd say leave it alone. If it's intended, thanks Bioware.

Edited by Banthabreeder
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A response from the DEVs would be nice. I hope this isn't a sign of many things to come. Before to long you'll havea bunch of people fighting in PvE/PvP and it'll look like an alpha with no fighting animations. If this is the way they fix abilities, then everyone will be playing SWTOR alpha after too long. I've never played an MMO where they kill ability animation/sound for abilities and it be permanent because "it glitches in it's current state". If you turn it's animation/sound off, fine; do it temporarily until you fix the ability and it's original design. Edited by Xenith
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I can understand doing away with it for the screen shake issue... but at least change the animation a bit. I wouldn't mind the wave blast animation that emanates from Nadia Grell's AOE attack for instance?


At least make it look like some sort of power (and sound) is doing some damage. You don't have to shake the whole dam planet. :rolleyes:

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I can understand doing away with it for the screen shake issue... but at least change the animation a bit. I wouldn't mind the wave blast animation that emanates from Nadia Grell's AOE attack for instance?


At least make it look like some sort of power (and sound) is doing some damage. You don't have to shake the whole dam planet. :rolleyes:


Or they could just fix it like every other MMORPG company would.

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ANY kind of a response I'll take. Can we get -something- of a DEV response @Eric?


Don't hold your breath. Not one DEV has responded to any of the complaints, bugs, exploits, in this game since well before Christmas vacation break. Even after the 5th, I'm sure it will take them a week just to catch up on all the forum posts and pick maybe 1 or 2 topics to reply to with the standard. "We are aware of this XXXX and are looking into it. No ETA on when it will be resolved".

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I can understand doing away with it for the screen shake issue... but at least change the animation a bit. I wouldn't mind the wave blast animation that emanates from Nadia Grell's AOE attack for instance?


At least make it look like some sort of power (and sound) is doing some damage. You don't have to shake the whole dam planet. :rolleyes:


Didnt you hear? The Jedi Consular class is now renamed to the Jedi Mime. This new change is the first step towards that...why use flashy, expensive graphics and sound when you can so convincingly MIME an ability, that the enemies take damage from it? I can't wait til Project removes any debris you pull from the ground and lets us use our IMAGINATION as to what just hit the enemy.



...seriously though, the eff. People saying its fine obviously don't get the real issue here. What if on a bounty hunter your mortar volley was changed so you rocket into the air, your character's fists go pewpewpew, but no sound/rockets/explosions appear? Would that even look or sound right to you? Or make sense? >:(

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Since the "fix" (change with 3.0) damage is actually not applied on the first tick, as it is with sorcerers. The first tick applies a split second before the second tick, making consulars having a looooot more trouble in solo ranked revealing stealthed enemies.
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Didnt you hear? The Jedi Consular class is now renamed to the Jedi Mime. This new change is the first step towards that...why use flashy, expensive graphics and sound when you can so convincingly MIME an ability, that the enemies take damage from it? I can't wait til Project removes any debris you pull from the ground and lets us use our IMAGINATION as to what just hit the enemy.



...seriously though, the eff. People saying its fine obviously don't get the real issue here. What if on a bounty hunter your mortar volley was changed so you rocket into the air, your character's fists go pewpewpew, but no sound/rockets/explosions appear? Would that even look or sound right to you? Or make sense? >:(



Agreed. And the lack up response on this issue has me at a loss for words. Period. First they removed the OLD force slam ability (where they'd pick them up in the air, then slam the enemy into the ground), then, they semi-dumbed down the force wave ability where the consular most of the time looks like it has tourette syndrome and now this. If we do get a response, I'm sure it'll be something along the lines of, "the animation just isn't working well with the stability of the game world. Over time it was causing countless screen shakes, and other players to complain. Instead of fixing it, we decided the best route is to turn it all off completely until we find a future fix (which will be never because we have three bug fixers at BW now). We hope you understand." If I'm wrong and the response is the opposite, I'll drop $300 on CC's (don't get me started on that debacles customer service).


For educational purposes, the "Project" ability replaced Force Slam as a low-level ability, as Force Slam created an unintentional knockdown effect. All I have to say to this is, really? So it was unfixable? I've never met lazier developers. No offense to those devs who might've wanted to and are just taking orders not to.

Edited by Xenith
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