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Game Freezes When You Land on Rishi


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I have an issue where as soon as I land on Rishi and press the spacebar button to engage in the first cutscene my game either enters a black screen with the music playing in the background or I see a poorly textured Rishi with the "...." conversation box above my character only for it to freeze moments afterwards. Has anyone else been having these issues? How do I fix them?
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Yeah thanks for posting; good to know I'm not the only one. I even shut down my laptop for thirty minutes and it still freezes. Initially the space bar was unresponsive at the loading screen so I closed out the game and came back.


Now I'll get past the loading screen but freeze up when the yellow talk cloud comes up, the periods stop moving.


Task manager says SWTOR is not responding. I even switched back and forth via task manager during the talk cloud dots moving to see if the switching will make me slip through; nothing. (I know, futile; but at least I tried something different)


I hope they fix it soon, this expansion is much better than I thought it would be I'm enjoying it. :)

Edited by shortnstocky
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I had this same problem, but there's a surprisingly easy way to fix it. When your game loads, press escape repeatedly while the planet is loading - abort the conversation entirely. You won't find out what the cutscene is, unfortunately, but the planet will be explorable at least :)
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