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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Character Pets


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Yup! just what you just read. allow us to have some characters we see or interact with around the galaxy as pets so they can follow us and passively observe us on our adventures.


People want or would have loved to have certain NPC's from their story lines, or from other special quests as companions. (Lets just say Thana Vesh, Lana Beniko, Theron Shan, Jakarro, etc. etc. etc.) or even just some random guys with no big role in a story that just dissapear after the quest ends. And I know making companions of every single NPC that people wants, would involve a lot of work, voice recording, armor clipping issues blah blah blah.


So please convert some npcs and throw them on the new packs so we can summon them as pets so we at least have the feeling they are still with us. even if they wont talk with us like companions do. We'll at least be able to place them on our strongholds and have them say a random line when you right-click on them like most npc's do.


Just like you did with this guy: http://oi59.tinypic.com/2v0y9fb.jpg


Please Bioware consider it :)

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I believe there is a mission where you can get a Group of militia to follow you around, to fight and you have as part of the mission to keep them from dying, so in a sense since they follow you like the other comapnions, T7, or Mako or who ever they do so for this little mision only
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