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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Scheduled Maintenance: December 2nd, 2014


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Wrong the us player base is not the majority of this games it is 50-50.

Stop Acting like the world revolves around the us.


I would love to know where you get your numbers from.


I'm not one complaining that the servers are coming down during my play time 7-12 EST. Got love self entitled people.

Edited by Warrgames
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Wrong the us player base is not the majority of this games it is 50-50.

Stop acting like the world revolves around the US.


Even if the US were 50% (and I'm fairly sure it's higher), 50% would still make the U.S. easily the plurality market.


Thus, if a company is going to err on the side of one timezone, it seems reasonable it would be on in a country that has the plurality consumers.

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eu 9 servers

us+apac 8 servers

so there are more europeans playing this game then the us and apac combined.


expect the euro servers want to be merged due to lack of players and the only reason that there are 9 servers is because of 3 language and 3 different play styles. Since US servers are English only....

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Even if the US were 50% (and I'm fairly sure it's higher), 50% would still make the U.S. easily the plurality market.


Thus, if a company is going to err on the side of one timezone, it seems reasonable it would be on in a country that has the plurality consumers.


so you would favor 50% of your market to screw over the other 50% of your market, other 50% of your market leaves, now you have to fire 50% of your team, remaining market complains lack of content and also leave, bye bye swtor

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so you would favor 50% of your market to screw over the other 50% of your market, other 50% of your market leaves, now you have to fire 50% of your team, remaining market complains lack of content and also leave, bye bye swtor


So...release time, which is what your initial response was about, you think will make 50% of people leave the game?


Special logic.

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Will Season 3 end here? When will season 4 begin? It's all I care about.


All other new crap I cant be arsed about.


lol? You only care about when the seasons start and end, not the fact that you will have to regear every one of your PvP toons? Short-sighted much?

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Hey everyone!


Two things!


1. Patch notes will be posted later today!


2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).

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Still waiting on a dev/community team response as to why the change compared to 2.0 times...


LOL good luck with that. They don't have to give you a reason for anything they do. I post most logical reason for the change in time.


Most likely because of the weekly resets. If you play on US servers, 8 GMT is Midnight PST or 3 EST. Weeklies reset for every time zone by 15 GMT or 7 PST or 10 EST. If they did it at 8 GMT again those US players would get to turn in two set of weeklies for all that exp. By waiting till 15 GMT all weeklies would have reset for all time zones and no player gets to turn in double weeklies.
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2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a.


Holy tatas, that's a lot of stuff. :3



Is this method viable for patching a bit early:

Edited by ronniehenlau
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Hey everyone!


Two things!


1. Patch notes will be posted later today!


2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).


Exclamation: The mighty Ptach has spoken!


Announcement: Behold, one and all, as Lord Ptach, minion of the master and keeper of the Holocron of Patches graces you meatbags with the next round of patch notes.

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LOL good luck with that. They don't have to give you a reason for anything they do. I post most logical reason for the change in time.


Then they shouldn't claim to be for open communication....


Also if that's the reason its a pathetic solution. Punish the majority for the few that exploit to get to 60 too fast. Brilliant...:rolleyes:

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Hey everyone!


Two things!


1. Patch notes will be posted later today!


2. The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).


Thanks for the update, Tait. :)

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The patch is big. I know some people have concerns about the filesize of the 3.0 update, so I thought I would let you know that internally we are showing roughly 2.5 gigs for the update from 2.10.3a. This number will fluctuate depending on your client version and your region (ex: French and German assets are different sizes than English).

Will we be able to start the download at any time before 7 a.m. PST tomorrow when the servers come back up? If so, what is the earliest time when we could restart the launcher and expect it to start the download?

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