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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alignment system - The illusion of choice.


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Buy the gear even though you don't require the LS/DS alignment, take the mods out and put them in your corrent orange gear. Presto. Theres that same gear just looks like your same armor.


This is assuming you can modify something you don't have alignment for, which I am sure you can.


The neutral gear is there. It's called what you are wearing. now non orange on the other hand thats different but I myself havent seen any non orange LD/DS alignment gear.


And what do i do about relics? leave the slot empty?

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Why isn't neutrality rewarded?


Because in the whole light side/dark side conflict, there is no middle ground. It's a conflict of absolutes.


Reward neutrality and you might as well pull the system entirely.


Not everyone is a Jedi/Sith. One of my characters is a mid 30s Agent and on that character I always do what is best for the Empire. I'll kill when I need to, but I'm not going to needlessly kill someone when the Empire can torture them for information. As an Agent you also get to see that a lot of the Sith are insane and going against them often generates lightside points.

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