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Better Arena Enemy Frames


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The arena frames could be improved.


To start. Your team and the enemy team are not always in locked positions. One time your team will be on the left. Sometimes your team will be on the right. This is an inconvenience when you are trying to place the scoreboard on your UI. Especially if you are looking to target off the scoreboard.


Why have your teammates on the scoreboard at all? Its extra clutter. You have ops frames to show your teammates. The ops frames should also show roles in arena and be colored by class, but that's getting into the ops frames. The arenas frames should only show scoreboard, enemies and timer. Either that or break up the scoreboard and arena frames into two separate units within the UI.


Targeting off the scoreboard. I'm guessing a lot of people target off the scoreboard. It was made with targeting in mind, because the player names are clickable. Removing your own team from the scoreboard makes this easier. But really to make targeting the most efficient, they should also add eight new targeting keybinds specifically for arena.


Target Arena Enemy 1-4

Set Focus Arena Enemy 1-4


People should be able to keybind arena enemies and keybind focus for each enemy. Why has this not been added yet? Its hard to take arenas here seriously, if you can't even bind focus to arena targets. :rolleyes:


The frames should look more like this:



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